The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Why didn’t I think of compiling this. Easiest money ever.


Right, it’s similar reasoning to Scalia’s blinkered interpretation of “official act” or whatever it was that essentially made it impossible to convict any public official of public corruption.

Your argument is the same as keed - there was no coup because it wasn’t successful. Trump has been pro putin from day 1.

Maybe I should have used the word “leverage” rather than “influence”, but I feel like I’m not the one doing revisionism here. What you’re suggesting counts as “influence” is functionally indistinguishable from Trump having a soft spot for Putin and doesn’t have to include Trump actually delivering on any policy outcomes. The median position from Democrats during the height of Russiagate went a hell of a lot further than that. During the discussion upthread kre8tive posted an article claiming that Trump was a KGB asset. That Trump was leashed by some sort of fearsome kompromat was the majority position on this forum during much of the Trump administration. As far back as the pre-election debates, Hillary accused Trump of being a “puppet” of Putin, which goes quite a bit further than what you’re now saying counts as “influence”. So I don’t think I’m strawmanning at all.

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I see the general mania over Trump’s ties to Russia as a liberal response to endless scandal mongering from the right. Things like Benghazi, Emailz, Hunter Biden, it seems unfair that conservatives get to elevate episodes of minor wrongdoing into the crime of the century, while liberals must eschew speculation and insist on just the facts. Left-of-center there will always be some spoilsport ChrisV type pointing out that the evidence is skimpy, whereas everyone on the right is happy to yes-and Hillary Clinton’s emails into further and further heights of depravity.

I guess I come down on the side of “let the people have their fun.” I don’t buy those “Russian asset” talking points either, but it’s not worth the time to defend the sacred honor of Donald fucking Trump.


The evidence that Trump had significant and long ties to Russia isn’t skimpy, though.




I am mildly proud of myself that I had never heard of Ashley Biden before (to my knowledge).

Question asked to tRUmp: “What should we do about Ukraine?”

Local moron suggests starting WWIII


I took it to mean that we shouldn’t be doing what we’re doing now, but should do what we should be doing.

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Trump “says, ‘Vladimir, you shouldn’t, like, attack Ukraine. I never liked those big, what are those things you got in Moscow, those big bubbles? Those big gold bubbles, I never liked those things, so I’m gonna have to blow them up,’” Giuliani said.

He was presumably referring to the Cathedral of the Annunciation, which is in the Kremlin and has gold onion domes.

“So Putin says, ‘They’re churches,’” Giuliani recounted. Trump said, “Oh, Vladimir, don’t tell me that about churches, c’mon. Churches? You can fool Bush, you can’t fool me. You care about churches?”

Giuliani also defended Trump’s praise of Putin as “smart.”

“That’s why he’s a genius,” Giuliani said. “Of course he says he’s smart: ‘Hey Vladimir, you’re really, really smart.’”


I was listening to Washington post audible podcast in the background and I found myself stunned by what I was hearing, I’m like “this guy’s a fuckin maniac” and I checked to see what I was listening to and they were interviewing John Bolton. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is kid rock may not be as unqualified as he thinks


Kid Rock has described himself, to the Guardian, as “definitely a Republican on fiscal issues and the military, but I lean to the middle on social issues”.

“I am no fan of abortion,” he said, “but it’s not up to a man to tell a woman what to do. As an ordained minister I don’t look forward to marrying gay people, but I’m not opposed to it.”

Fiscally conservative socially reprehensible, typical scumbag.


So now I am imagining a big gay fabulous wedding with kid rock as minister. Can’t decide if it’s funnier to keep him the same or put a bunch of pink and rhinestones on his typical outfit.


I have family who were involved in US foreign policy for many many years. When Bolton reared his ugly head I asked one of them what he thought, and he said something to the effect of “even bloodthirsty kooks like Donald Rumsfeld knew to keep Bolton away from sharp objects.”


He should have to conduct all ceremonies in the mink coat he wore on stage at Woodstock '99

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