The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

C’mon people. Some are stooges, most likely Trump maybe with a side helping of at least worry about Kompromat. Some are assuredly in on it and getting near direct orders from the Kremlin like Manafort.

Bottom line is that it doesn’t fucking matter. The effect is the same. Stop wasting electrons.


The President saying bad things can be a pretty big deal.

I feel like the role of diplomacy in the world is being completely dismissed when it comes to trump.

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Minority? Trump was the Republican nominee! The anti-Putin guys like Romney are the minority.

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Consider also the dates of other Russian military adventures.

I mean within the whole Republican apparatchik roster, not just the politicians.

Lol. It’s gab. Read the replies to trump’s vaccine bragging.


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Just a wee little regional war

What a deal!

Man UP just cravesssssss big bad guys

LOL. legit this.

it’s empty, right?

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The problem is Chris setting the bar at “Trump is not literally a Manchurian Candidate-style sleeper asset” and declaring victory.


I mean, he started with claim “no direct influence,” which is incredibly broad compared with “not actively being blackmailed,” and it looks like he’s using lack of proof of the latter to claim victory on the former. Some clearer definitions could have saved a whole lot of posts.

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“The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware, and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do. And at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their Star Spangled Banner waved defiant.”

Ol’ Georgie Washington not only rammed the ramparts he took over the airports and did everything he had to do to make sure that banner waved defiant.

I feel like there is more of a spectrum than that lol

Kind of, but the number of pee tape true believers on this board is minuscule so not really, more a semantics debate. Did the Rudy/KGB Hunter Biden operation give Putin “direct influence” over Trump’s decisionmaking up to and including Election Day 2020, yeah I think so! And there were dozens of things like that going throughout Trump’s Presidency.

to get to that somewhat useless conclusion (that putin didn’t own trmp, eg like he owned yanukovich) one has to limit themselves to not only a narrow definition of “owned” and an even narrower understanding of what a president could do and how it gets described by trmp himself.

like if trmp says noone was tougher on russia than him, it would be dumb waste of time to go around checking if he was. and even dumber to dismiss things like pulling out of treaties and summits like no big deal.

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More likely he is seriously downplaying the impact the kremlin had on Trump by dismissing it as coincidence.

Putin took advantage of his incompetence and it was expounded by those surrounding trump because it benefitted them.