The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I agree.
I’d still rather stay home and watch Netflix w beer than do that either…which is why we humans suck at these contests.

FOIA? I don’t get it. Was he asking for info on what the government found in his tax returns?

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Hadza hunters will sometimes take lions’ kills. But they have have spears and lions may be somewhat risk-averse.

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I just think a lion has a way to kill you which is disemboweling you with its rear claws. One person who knows this may be able to stay alive for a minute or more. A gorilla will just grab you and rip off your head in seconds.

This is how my wife’s cat tried to kill me.

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So who is getting fired / prosecuted for this?

What the fuck is the point of having laws if there is no consequence for ignoring them?



If no one gets fired/prosecuted, who’s mad enough to out whoever should be and open them up to…I dunno, whatever conservatives think woke mobs do to people they hate?

IRS chief was and still IS a Trump slappy



You can see most of the return info here

Lol I remember when I was naive enough to believe shady stuff in his taxes would derail his campaign/presidency. It’s almost 2023 now, no way am I reading one line of this.


LOL there are literally dozens of transparently fraudulent practices detailed in that report. The biggest ticket items are a $20+ million conservation easement deduction based on an obviously fraudulent appraisal and another $20+ million rehabilitation credit which he almost certainly didn’t actually qualify for. There’s also garden variety “grifters gonna grift” bullshit like claiming an empty house as a “vacant rental property” and deducting all expenses.

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So this. There is nothing it could say of any consequence.

Trump would hate this:



This is the final straw, the public will never stand for this!

But, if the government actually goes after him for something that literally zero people are surprised by, and after he’s done all the worse crimes, it will definitely have the appearance at least of a purely political prosecution. Which, I think, will actually help Trump keep his GOP leader status, which is something I want to happen.


The rubes are probably outraged by the fact that he “made nothing” for four years due to magnanimously refusing a presidential salary, yet got sucked dry for that whopping 1.1M in taxes.

Of course I’m also 99% sure it’ll come out that he totally took his salary after saying he wasn’t, because fuck you.

What is the difference between a country with free media but nothing reported ever matters and a country where no reporting is allowed?

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Universal healthcare, usually.