The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Like how he was able to work in the racist dog whistle. Dumb as dad.

This is so pure. Gleefully accepting possible death for this golden moment.


Is there an evolutionary biologist in the house? Why are gorillas so massive? It seems like a waste of energy to maintain all that muscle when they don’t seem to need it. Being able to occasionally tear apart a wildlife photographer isn’t much justification.

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to be able to fight other male silverbacks for all the females.


Trump tax documents they obtained showed that Trump was NOT getting audited

Bombshell stuff. Not sure the Twitter Files will have a revelation better than this one.

Now you’ve got me wondering if he at least watched the opening scene for NOPE.

I guess that worked for King Kong but it also led to his downfall.

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Species that have high levels of sexual dimorphism also tend to have high levels of polygamy, i.e., a small number of males get most of the action and their genes are over-represented in the next generation.

But while it’s true that dominant males will sometimes have to fight to defend their territory and their “harem”, they often don’t have to because females tend to prefer the larger males anyway. Large males will tend to produce large sons, so by preferring to mate with a large male, the female’s sons will also tend to be larger and therefore more successful. This is an example of sexual selection, which Darwin considered to be a separate but interrelated process from natural selection (I assume this is still true).

Bottom line, if females dig large males, this itself can be enough to overcome the energetic wastefulness of being large. These pressures will eventually run into competing pressures, but one possibility is “runaway selection” where female preference for some trait results in a positive feedback loop that leads to a ridiculous outcome (the peacock’s tail is the classic example).



It seems that humans are evolutionarily semi- polygamous.

I.e. males are larger than females. But not much larger.

This is what I keep telling my girlfriend (and my wife).


Maybe Melania was paid $3848 for modeling but she got fake Melania to do it for her for $3848.


More ridiculous is Trump getting paid $94k for management services.

If they don’t go back to clean this up, the IRS has to choose between admitting negligence, incompetence, or cowardice. But maybe nobody cares.

Keep the tidbits from the tax returns coming—this is classic trump in his prime. It’s worth keeping him in the GOP mix just for the comic relief at this point.

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Screw all the obvious fraud, Dems should run with “operating losses of $158 million, what a loser.”


This just plays into their “he gave up his great life of being a billionaire playboy because he cares about us so much” narrative. He was willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions while the Obamas were signing contracts with Netflix for $100 million.

I am pretty sure this is exactly what Trump didn’t want to come out, he doesn’t really care about any of the crimes because there’s never any consequences, but he cares very much about the pubic perception that he is a “successful businessman”. The way to commit tax fraud is to declare that you are actually losing money hand over fist so you don’t have to pay taxes. It must drive Donnie Dumb Dumb nuts that his tax people have to file these papers saying he lost money. Makes him look like a loser!

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Once we got to the point where only true believers thought Trump is a business genius and could never be convinced otherwise he should’ve just released all his tax information himself and owned the libs. He could glibly lie about every detail proving he’s not only a business genius but also an all-time patriot. Legendary rally.

It’s not like he’s ever going to get in trouble.

I thought this made him smart?

I’ve always sort of assumed that Trump’s financial situation is teetering on the brink of ruin at all times (I mean, is there any universe in which he’s competent at actually managing money long term?) and his taxes are just a bunch of post-hoc throwing shit against the wall to avoid paying money he doesn’t have.

This story from The Moth back in 2016 indicates Trump was in financial distress back in 2009 causing him to allow Gadhafi (of Libya) rent his house north of New York. It fits perfectly with everything else we know.

I’ve also never bought into the idea that the presidency materially helped his financial situation. People as shallow and reckless as Trump always manage to piss away windfalls.

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