The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



Rudy is maybe getting disbarred or something, that’s about as close to a real consequence as we’re likely to get with these people:

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His recent Truth Social posts read to me like the rantings and ravings of a man that knows he’s cornered. Trapped like a wounded animal, he’s lashing out in utter desperation. Suspend the rule of law and constitution? Not even he thinks there’s any chance of that without an all out violent coup. He’s digging himself deeper and deeper. And no one save for what’s left of his sycophants are taking him seriously at this point. His schtick is old and tiresome. The country is ready to move on (from him, not necessarily Trumpism)

He’s also been losing on every conceivable legal front. Every important court ruling has gone against him. Conservative courts and judges (some of whom, he himself appointed) seem to be saying the jig is up. This is the real deal and your games won’t work here

Any objective rational analysis of current events points to an indictment being imminent. Now it’s possible… Possible… that the DOJ and Georgia conclude that they won’t be able to prove intent and therefore decide not to bring charges. But I think that’s very unlikely. Regardless, I do not subscribe to the theory of many here who think that because nothing has happened yet, this is proof it never will. That is a most illogical conclusion to reach imo and is based on nothing more than frustration and rage. The past does not have to equal the future


This is correct but I think you’ve come to the wrong conclusion about what it means.

So what else can it mean? That he’s continuing his coup attempt and letting prosecutors know that yeah J6 wasn’t unintentional and I STILL fully plan on reinstalling myself president by any means necessary. This helps him how?

Failed coup attempts that go relatively unpunished have led to successful coups in the past.


@Cactus , I agree with you 100% that he should be indicted on several fronts for a multitude of reasons; however, it’s not “rage and frustration” that causes myself and others here to reach the conclusion that the, “LOL fuck you,” doctrine applies.

It’s the fact that we have decades of crimes that show he’s unlikely to ever face a serious penalty - and the crimes have only gotten more brazen and crazy as time goes on. This Twitter details it over 100+ tweets and guess what? He’s basically faced no repurcussions in light of how serious all this shit is.

As everyone here has stated ad nauseum, we’d love to be proven wrong - it just seems unlikely. It’s like expecting the Globetrotters to lose.

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“The 1824 presidential election marked the final collapse of the Republican-Federalist political framework.”

if only

It’s gonna take me a while to get through this, but I will. Thanks for the link and also to otatop for his link

Clearly, rich white people are exceedingly more likely to get away with any type of crime under our judicial system. But when it becomes obvious or egregious enough, justice does prevail at times. Martha Stewart, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff, and Rod Blagojevich are the first few that come to mind. I think Trump’s escape from pre candidate crimes should not be included in our sample size. I have always thought there will come a time when he will rue the day he rode down that escalator. So maybe it is me who suffers from bias because I’d really like to be right about that. I thought that he probably would’ve gotten away with everything had his promotional stunt not worked and he just stayed under the radar. Now it’s just too public, too felonious, and too obvious for prosecutors to look the other way imo

God, that person is unbearable to read. I made it through 40 tweets and she hadn’t even begun to list any crimes. The whole thing is just dripping with obnoxious self-righteousness, too.

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awwww… I was going to read


( truth (lol) | raw text )


It was a beautiful day in Washington D.C., the kind of day that made you feel alive and hopeful. The sun was shining and the birds were singing, and people from all over the country had gathered in the nation’s capital to witness a historic moment.

President Trump was about to be charged with crimes, the first time in American history that a sitting president had been indicted. The news had spread like wildfire, and people from all political persuasions had come to see it for themselves.

As a politically naive liberal, I had always believed in the rule of law and the principles of justice. I had never been particularly interested in politics, but the thought of seeing President Trump finally held accountable for his actions filled me with a sense of satisfaction and joy.

The trial was set to begin in the afternoon, and I made my way to the courthouse early to ensure that I got a good seat. I was surrounded by a diverse crowd of people, all of whom seemed to share my excitement and anticipation.

When the trial finally began, the atmosphere in the courtroom was electric. The prosecutor laid out the case against President Trump, detailing a long list of crimes and misdemeanors that he had allegedly committed. As the evidence was presented, it became clear that the president was guilty of a staggering number of offenses.

As the trial progressed, the mood in the courtroom shifted. People began to feel a sense of unease and anxiety, as if the gravity of the situation was finally sinking in. It was one thing to hear about the president’s crimes in the abstract, but seeing the evidence laid out in front of us made it all too real.

Despite the weight of the evidence against him, President Trump remained defiant. He scoffed at the prosecutor’s arguments and sneered at the witnesses who testified against him. It was clear that he believed he was above the law, and that he would never be held accountable for his actions.

In the end, the jury found President Trump guilty on all counts. The courtroom erupted into cheers and applause, as people celebrated the victory of justice over corruption. For the first time in a long time, I felt proud to be an American.

As I left the courthouse that day, I knew that things would never be the same. The world had changed, and a new era of accountability and responsibility had begun. It was a small step, but it was a step in the right direction. And for that, I was grateful.

Chatgpt prompt.

Hi. Please write me a short story. Written from the perspective of a politically naive liberal. The story is fan fiction about President Trump being charged with crimes.


Yeah I didn’t read most of it. I was just using it to illustrate the sheer volume of crimes he’s committed over the span of 4 or 5 decades (lol).



Bot might have missed a couple of truths from earlier.

“The Fake News is actually trying to convince the American People that I said I wanted to ‘terminate’ the Constitution. This is simply more DISINFORMATION & LIES, just like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of their other HOAXES & SCAMS,” Trump wrote Monday afternoon, saying he meant that “steps must be immediately taken to RIGHT THE WRONG.”

In a separate, all-capitalized post, Trump wrote that “if an election is irrefutably fraudulent, it should go to the rightful winner or, at a minimum, be redone. Where open and blatant fraud is involved, there should be no time limit for change!”


I guess I should’ve included this guy to the list of narcissists who didn’t get away




Thats actually really good.