The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Wow I can’t believe there are fans of fascism on the Nazi social media site.

Hillary also willfully destroyed the lives of multiple women who truthfully accused her husband of being a sexual predator.

Also her behavior in the ‘08 primary was disgraceful, she blatantly insider traded on cattle futures (lol), she gleefully unleashed the establishment on any perceived threat, is laughably corrupt and LOST TO DONALD FUCKING TRUMP.

1st paragraph – Real

2nd paragraph – Onion

“Ruination” ITT.

This turns out to be fake news, the $4.99 per week app was a different app called 2nd1st that was trying to grift people by implying Trump was using it.

Can’t wait.


Trump’s twitter clone being called Pravda is chefs kiss.

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Just the thought of Devin Nunes running this operation makes me laugh. The dude doesn’t know shit about much, especially running something like this. The entirety of his job is basically, “Hey people, make this thing work please”.


He’s probably putting huge pressure on the incompetent managers, who are in turn asking the people doing the work for updates every 30 minutes (literally). Based on their leaving the internal site exposed to the internet, those workers are also incompetent. It might be a while.

Got em


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So many we got hims in this thread:

We got him this time motherfuckers

Narrator: Nah, Rudy is playing double agent. This is all an elaborate play by Q.

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I think its pretty indicative of how completely not scared Trump is, and rightfully so, that he won’t even pay Rudy’s legal fees when Giuliani has the goods on a couple dozen felonies that are a lock to never be prosecuted.

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Seen this in two threads, but it really belongs here too: