The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Very strongly disagree. A feature of the 21st century (so far) is that there is practically infinite amounts of media “space”. They can, and will, create a tsunami of misinformation to rile their base. No amount of emphasis on one thing crowds out other things.

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I agree if we’re talking about digital ads. Not if we’re talking about cable news and newspapers, which still play a big role.

They’re running against her right now! I don’t even think they’ll stop if she dies, Hillary hate is the most potent weapon the right has right now.

Misogyny is kind of a big deal for them. Having an example of a Shrill Feminist to bark at is super powerful. It taps right into all the toxic male frustrations with their wives (or ex wives) and all the other women that Unfairly refuse to have sex with them. A lot of psychological shit is getting mapped onto Hillary for sure. AOC and Kamala as well. We have to admit that a lot of conservatives just hate women.

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Also, to use a wrestling metaphor, Republicans have been putting work in on Hillary since the 90’s to build her up into a rightwing boogeyman. The derpers have been primed to hate Hillary my entire life, there’s no one else in politics who gets them as mad. It will take 20 years before AOC is at that level.


More We Got Hims today:

The collective orgasming of these We Got Him types if we actually get him will cause a worldwide earthquake


Can confirm boomers absolutely care about Hillary so much.

In laws were complaining about how awful she was recently and I dipped a toe in and asked what specifically she did that was so awful.

30 minutes later it was clear that she didn’t really do anything wrong that they could point to aside from having her husband get some mouth stuff and that she just looks and sounds so damn bitchy.

Its so much this. Just think of how a dyed in the wool toxic male misogynist like Joe Rogan would react to being lectured by HC. That’s how conservatives feel about HC if they just think about her.

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hey two days ago UP also couldn’t come up with much beyond how awful she is, and collectively we are twice as smart as a couple of boomers.


Boom! None other than Kellyanne’s husband and Lincoln Project original member George Conway III has weighed in! Tick Tock Donnie!



WAT? No “Benghazi”?

Not sure what convo you’re referring to, but the answer is pretty easy. She is awful in the sense that she is an awful candidate. Her electability is terrible. She lost to Trump.

i was referring this very question in a thread about her emails

Among other reasons, Hillary Clinton is horrible because she voted for the Iraq AUMF because she thought it would look good when running for president. Bernie should have gone scorched earth in the 2016 primaries running on that as the single issue that should disqualify Clinton from the nomination. He should have done the same thing to Biden in 2020.


this isn’t even remotely a victory or anything. they don’t NEED to keep talking about it because they already starting the dipshit mill grinding away. They’re ALWAYS two minutes away from pivoting to the next outrage

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Well he tried to vs biden when they were heads up in the debate. Biden just pulled the trump move of flatly denying all the things that he was on video doing and bernie had to resort to the hillary role of well look it up on youtube he did that shit.

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