The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Dude, I’ve made not funny jokes. In fact, I get a swing and a miss… a lot.

If you’re not missing a few, you probably haven’t been swinging hard enough.



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You forgot to swtich to @SweetSummerChild before posting this

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Anybody know if his deposition will be public record that we can watch? Of course this assumes he does a deposition. He’s pretty triggered.

It’ll just be hours of ranting and filibustering and deflecting. Pass.


Ah the reverse Nixon. Nice attempt Donald.

This is nothing new but the degree of lying that sticks on the right is amazing.

Analysts watch publicly available Internet traffic data and pass it along to Clinton and the FBI → “Crooked Hillary Clinton… can break into the White House, my apartment, buildings I own, and my campaign - in other words, she can spy on a Presidential candidate and ultimately, the President of the United States.”

I do ultimately agree with him though. Dems are catching like 50-70% of the backlash for actually prosecuting him with like 0% of the benefit. They’d be better off shutting the fuck up and leaving him be than doing what they’re doing. Obviously what they should actually do is prosecute the motherfucker, but that’s not happening.

Problem is they can’t give poor people help, they can’t tax the wealthy, and they have to look like they’re doing something, so…

At the gym I saw Tucker was doing a segment on Hillary, eyes wide open, couldn’t contain his glee. Republicans need to make the narrative all about Hillary 24/7, it’s political dynamite for derpers.

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I think if Biden doesn’t run she’s going to throw her hat into the ring again, but if I’m wrong or if Biden runs, how are they going to manage to run against Hillary in 2024?

I get that it’ll work for like 25-35% of the country, but that’s not good enough.

Are you sure that’s not good enough? Dem turnout is potentially going to crater after 4 years of Everything Will Remain Fundamentally The Same.

They’ll say Hillary committed the crime of the century, should be executed for treason, and WHAT DID BIDEN (or other candidate) KNOW AND WHEN DID HE KNOW IT?

Very easy to tie whoever you want to the “scandal” when you’re just making everything up anyway.

Biden has a few avenues available here:

  1. Sounds like Trump was president and didn’t do anything about it, either. Maybe that’s because it’s made up malarkey?

  2. Lol wat?

  3. You call me old and forgetful, but I’m pretty sure it’s 2024 and I’m pretty sure she ran in 2016, so I’m pretty sure the American people don’t care about Hillary Clinton anymore. The only person who does is you, because you’re more concerned with settling old scores and personal grudges than doing the job of the presidency.

But here’s the thing. If I’m a Biden strategist, I welcome this. We’re sitting in strategy meetings trying to figure out what the hell to run on because we didn’t do anything, and expect the whole campaign to be about inflation, the economy, our failures on covid, broken promises, etc, and Trump wants to make it about… Hillary? Snap call!

If Biden came out and said this verbatim, I would change my approval rating from strongly disapprove to somewhat disapprove instantly.

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I guess not, but it’s the same 25-35% of the country that’s going to be riled up no matter what the right wing narrative factory churns up. Vaccines, CRT, antifa, BLM, caravans of MS-13 immigrants, bans on straws and burgers, etc.

If they want to choose something dumb enough that 60-70% of the country laughs it off without another thought, I’m cool with that.

What if he scheduled a Rose Garden address and just said, “Hey Hillary, nobody wants your stupid mugs, please just shut the fuck up,” and walked back inside?


They don’t have to, and they will not, pick one thing. They will agitate on as many fronts as they can think of, causing sincere centrists to spend all of 2024 writing articles with titles like “Republicans Say Hillary Clinton Drinks Fetus Smoothies Everyday, Dems Dispute Claims” and the Rs roll to an easy victory where their base turns out at 99%+ and potential Dem voters dismiss the whole election as asinine.

Sure, but every second of airtime or inch of newspaper space that goes to Hillary’s Fetus Smoothie scandal is a win for us, because it could be going to something like CRT or Antifa that actually scares moderate voters.

I guess the point I’m making is this landscape where they throw shit at the wall and it works is not new, so while I hate that it works and that Dems don’t seem interested in countering it in any significant way, I’m analyzing the Hillary thing through the lens that it’s going to be something anyway.