The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I think they mean the Joe Biden Ukraine Crisis.

Actually meant to post that in the “bad media” thread.

I suck at internet this morning. (Still better than CBS News though)

It’s not complicated, think of it as a series of tubes.


So we’ve got him dead to rights taking classified material, what on Earth is the point of Giuliani talking to the 1/6 committee?

They’re just going to keep dragging this out until midterms.

I’m truly going to laugh my ass off when the same Democrats currently refusing to do anything at all to hold Trump accountable are among the first to be hauled off to jail under attorney general Ginni Thomas. I could not possibly have any more contempt for these losers.


I assume they think they’re scoring political points. It seems like an IRL legal version of when troll conservatives keep throwing lies and bullshit at liberals so they spend all their time “dunking” on bad faith arguments thinking that they winning.

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Folks when you see a Villages News letter to the editor signed “American Patriot, Free State of Florida,” you know you’re in for an adventure. Note: the is NOT the literal MORAN who writes bi-weekly in the same publication:

We also have Kathleen Cook, who is just asking questions:

To the Editor:

Why are we concerned about the Ukraine border when our border is open with drugs, criminals, illegals pouring through? Unless Biden wants the war with Ukraine to cover Hunter Biden’s and the family’s corruption in Ukraine? If there is a war, then the Bidens are Scot free. Why did Biden give up sanctions on Russia even to their pipeline then shut our country down in oil and gas? Many questions as to why.

Kathleen Cook
Village of Santiago


They’re going to keep stringing along MSNBC viewers with new discoveries and subpoenas and bullshit for months until the midterms come, Dems have no message and Trump will still be walking free. It’s going to be a bloodbath. None of this Trumpworld shit is important to your average voter.

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Biden the war monger wants war in Ukraine to cover up for Hunter’s crimes and Putin doesn’t even eat dogs just might be the winning GOP anti-war message.

Goddamn, if House Speaker requires very little work, sign me up. I live in a house and speak already and don’t get paid jack shit for it.


The Trump as Speaker era would really be something. Will be wilder than the Trump as President era in a lot of ways (Basic functions like funding government and raising the debt ceiling not getting done so Trump can blame Biden for the failure, half guarded calls for assassination of a sitting President and VP by the Speaker of the House, duly elected Dems essentially banned from participating in the legislative process en masse, etc, etc)

try harder to work in Hunter in there somehow

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The two prosecutors leading the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into former President Donald J. Trump and his business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday amid a monthlong pause in their presentation of evidence to a grand jury, according to people with knowledge of the matter, throwing the future of the high-stakes inquiry into serious doubt.

The prosecutors, Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz, submitted their resignations after the new Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, indicated to them that he had doubts about moving forward with a case against Mr. Trump, the people said.

It’s never going to happen. Like how people say people can imagine the end of the world before ending capitalism, it’s easy to imagine Trump will be reelected rather than be convicted of anything.

I pictured cases fizzling out and the explanations being along the lines of “it’s really complicated (law stuff) and hard to explain (so we won’t try) but prosecutors don’t feel they have enough for a conviction blah blah” but this is a new one. Also, give me a fucking break.

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Brain rot.

My mother’s looking to move to one of The Villages later this year.

She’s gonna fit in perfectly.

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Lol if that is the case it’s all the more reason to go to trial so a court makes that determination just in case he decides to run for president.

Watery Dune Hair?


The case just wasn’t strong enough. Maybe if he had admitted it in public or something…