The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Me too. I doubt I can do anything in a D primary in 2024 so wtf

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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Last week’s elections showed that clinging to 2020 election denial, as Mr. Trump has, is a loser’s game.

Gee I wonder if the WSJ archives are devoid of “election denial,” fuck off.

I am in a longtime fantasy basketball league with a bunch of other lawyers who are neither dumb nor MAGA types and one of them randomly dropped the “I would vote for DeSantis” line today.

I think we definitely want Trump as opposed to DeSantis because the media is doing a fantastic job carrying water for him right now to the point some non deplorables are going to accidentally vote for a fascist.



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Wow! They just took the election away from Kari Lake. It’s really bad out there!

( truth (lol) | raw text )




They? They, the voters? The Republican election administrators? Yeah, they took the election away from Kari Fake. Wow!

On the other hand, my partner’s super racist Trumpy grandparents have decided that DeSantis is pro-choice and will never vote for him. I’m just hoping that wedge keeps getting driven in no matter who wins the primary.


Looking back, they did a really really really piss poor job trying to nuke him in 2016. But what’s completely morally and strategically indefensible is not convicting him on 1/7.

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I mean, that’s what his supporters hear.

Wow! They just took the election away from Kari Lake. It’s really bad out there!

( truth (lol) | raw text )


With Lake losing and that DeSantis poll he can probably feel it all slipping away. He would have to be bound and gagged not to announce tomorrow.

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Wow! They just took the election away from Kari Lake. It’s really bad out there!

( truth (lol) | raw text )


This is good. You should do exactly that again. 100% serious.

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It seems weird to me that all this election denialism (“rigged and stolen!!”) became so mainstream on the R side over the past 2 years and then just suddenly died last Tuesday. Absolutely nobody except Trump and a handful of other inconsequential losers (Mike Lindell?) is talking like this any more.

It’s like they really thought there was going to be a huge red wave, and they were just totally unprepared for any other outcome. As far as I can tell, losers are not resisting, not filing lawsuits, and barely even complaining.

Lake probably won’t ever concede since she’s a lunatic but other MAGA people are suddenly conceding as if everything’s back to normal and some fever has broken. Is there any losing candidate who’s running around shouting about rampant fraud and rigged elections? Even Finchem has been pretty quiet I think?

Even those who haven’t conceded, like Masters, are just weakly—and meekly—saying they’re waiting until all the votes are counted. They’re not screaming about algorithms and Chinese hackers and Dominion and “WE ACTUALLY WON THIS ELECTION BY A LOT!”

I was genuinely afraid when the red wave didn’t happen that there would be a coordinated nationwide rallying cry of “rigged elections” and a significant number of people would answer that cry and rise up in protest and result in significant political violence.

Instead it’s just crickets. It’s almost like they never really believed it!


What other candidate cried like a baby about losing an election because it was stolen from them other than Trump?

My step-uncle was never watching an NFL game again in his life. 2 years later Thanksgiving at his place was NFL all day front and center. I was legit worried I might not get to see any of the games. Lol me.


you know it’s hard out there for a pimp!


I wouldn’t have predicted that age breakdown.

This I guess.