The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Always Be Projecting

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I am a broken record, but I am all in for the republican primary. I will accept the consequences. :pray:t3:


I still maintain that something will rob us of the job of Trump and DeSantis going head-to-head, but Lord I hope Iā€™m wrong.

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Yeah I donā€™t think that ā€œ40% of the R base will die with Trumpā€ # is set in stone. A lot of them will jump ship as soon as they realize he canā€™t win.

Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trumpā€™s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter.

We donā€™t got him


Cool so if I rob a bank for an ego boost Iā€™m good?


If theyā€™re splitting the delegates 40-30 in a bunch of states, that could go on a while!

Might as well give the documents back and publicly apologize, then.

It would be funny, in the way that narcissists with dementia are funny, is if his motivation simply was to be able to wonder around Mar-a-Lago with them and show them off to whomever he was talking with.

Arenā€™t a lot of the GOP primaries winner take all?


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Serial killers keep trophies too for the same reason.




Donā€™t forget the Q types that will cook up whatever nonsense they want, like actually itā€™s all a double reverse trick to dupe the Liberals into thinking DeSantis is the nominee but ACTUALLY everyone smart knows FOR A FACT that Donnie Dumb Dumb is the actual nominee, in fact heā€™s been President since 2016 and the fake 2020 loss was all part of a Secret Plan. And the stupid liberals fell for it!

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The next steps are to shut the investigation down because itā€™s over as soon as the new House is sworn in. Probably safe to give up on those tax returns too. Weā€™ll need to wait for another case to see what the Supreme Court thinks ā€œshallā€ means.

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This is his second time in a row going with the ā€œFuck you, make me,ā€ strategy right? IIRC this was already an extension granted after he didnā€™t respond. Heā€™s a lock to successfully run the clock out now.

eDems seem all in on wanting to run against trump so my guess is all the ā€œinvestigationsā€ quietly die now.

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i think iā€™m still technically registered as a republican, bc in 2016 i wanted to vote for trump in the primary bc he could never win a general election. :woozy_face: