The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

The first one. Deterrence against doing that and various other crimes.

he needs to practice because for weddings at mar-a-lago he usually just drives his golf cart right up to the front


Was thinking we need a campaign finance lawyer to know if Trump will run again and when heā€™ll announce. The answer is whatever maximizes the grifting opportunity.

Yes, ultimately this is how heā€™s going to make decisions. Whatever $ has been donated to PACs he thinks itā€™s all his. Heā€™ll yell at any underling who tells him he canā€™t just pocket all that money himself. I thought I remembered hearing that if he declares his candidacy then the RNC will no longer pay his legal bills? Follow the selfishness.

I heard once he declares his candidacy he wonā€™t be able to use donations for personal use, so I donā€™t get why heā€™s in such a hurry to declare


Iā€™m sure his Save America PAC is paying for the wedding.


While the grift is important to him, I think he wants revenge more than money these days.

This will definitely be a big issue for him because he famously follows all of the laws to the letter.



Tiffany should crush some benzos in his ham sandwich triangles so he doesnā€™t have enough juice to turn a 2 minute reception speech into a 45 minute rigged election rant


Also annihilated by a positron, but I am not seeing any positron around here. Or maybe I just know how fast they are going.

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Deter the next wannabe authoritarian from going for it, on top of all the other crimes he committed.

In regard to the possibility of Trump running as a third-party candidate if DeSantis is the Republican nominee in 2024, what do we think is stronger: 1) Trumpā€™s desire for revenge/to go scorched earth, or 2) Trumpā€™s desire to not lose another election?

I think they can lock him out in a lot of states. Iā€™m not clear on the details, but some states have some sort of sore loser provision where if you contest the primary and lose, you canā€™t be on the ballot in the general.

I guess he could get around this by launching a write-in campaign.

Re #2. Trump has lost plenty. He just goes in to denial mode and moves on. I donā€™t think #2 enters his mind. As far as he is concerned, he has never actually lost yet.

Soā€¦ heā€™s gonna get a bear hug from JD Vance?

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Cationic Blake Masters probably available.

Oh man, please tell me Trump gave a rehearsal dinner or reception speech as the father of the bride and it was captured on video. Can you imagine a Trump speech about Tiffany, wow