The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I think it’s a pay to play platform too, something like $4.99/mo to associate with your favorite fascists

Guess Trump found a way to fund his next election!

lol I definitely just stupidly checked twitter thinking he wasn’t unbanned

Are Parler and Gab still things? All these MAGA social media scams surely must be in heavy competition with each other.

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lol Truths & Replies


Lol, “Truths”


Yeah it’s this. They’re just like “it has NBC in the name so it’s some kind of affiliate” in their minds or something. They also have been known to call her “Rachel Maddox” so I joke that that’s where the W went.

Only $4.99/mo for free speech? What a deal!

The username is obviously a yuuuge part of the $2.8-3 billion brand valuation.


It’s even better than that, it’s $4.99 a week


Free speech!


“truths. truths & replies” zomg. i’m dying. great troll whoever made that.

Missed opportunity “Alternative Facts”, IMO.

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Is it a complete layout clone?

I would be amazed if this isn’t violating all kinds of design patents held by Twitter.

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He’s just a complete moron

New York’s attorney general on Wednesday pounced on former President Donald Trump’s defense of company’s financial statements, saying the five-page statement Trump issued a day earlier contradicted a court filing by his attorneys.

“It is not unusual for parties to a legal proceeding to disagree about the facts,” the attorney general’s office wrote in a letter filed in New York state court. “But it is truly rare for a party to publicly disagree with statements submitted by his own attorneys in a signed pleading – let alone one day after the pleading was filed.

Trump’s attorneys repeatedly stated that he did not know enough to respond to allegations of inaccurate valuations. But the former president’s five-page statement got into detail about possible discrepancies, implying that he had more knowledge than his lawyers said.

He’s so embarrassed about how not-billionaire he is that he’s just straight up contradicting his own attorneys a day after they file shit on his behalf in court.


Haha, NY AG throwing some shade!

All I know is he has the strongest damn camel. He is now infinite straws over the normal breaking point.

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If this is real… There’s an actual chance that…


Civil suit, copyright infringement or whatever, looks pretty cut and dry and could be for enough money to actually do some damage?

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I know, I know…

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