The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


He’s not. At least no where above $0.25 on the dollar.

Trump raises infinity dollars from his idiot base and in the fine print it says he can use it to pay his legal bills. Despite this he bullies the RNC into paying so he can steal them, duh.


They knew they were getting into bed with a gangster when they absolutely refused to hold him accountable in any way. It’s bust out fuck you pay me time now and holy shit do they deserve it.

We got him!

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What a colossal waste of time this all is.

Everyone knows he did it. His voters and donors and literally everyone who might ever consider voting for him knows he did it. There is nothing that could come out that would matter. We could get a tape of Donald Trump telling Ashli with and I to find and execute Mike Pence and nothing would change.

He gets got two ways:

  1. His conduct is so bad people don’t vote for him - not possible

  2. The legal system imposes accountability - now pretty obviously also not possible

Completely useless exercise, this was all over the moment Mitch decided not to nuke him on like 1/7/21.

I think maybe he gets dinged for the Inauguration stuff because he scammed people with money. None of the Russia shenanigans or the 1/6 stuff or any of his other crimes I are ever coming back to haunt him.

There are Boomers who follow the details of this shit and watch Maddow every day, I can’t even imagine how that rots your mind.

Maybe their brains will have some time to heal since she went on hiatus and won’t return to a regular gig until at least April…

Ratings for MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show dropped significantly in the first full week without Rachel Maddow hosting—reinforcing the huge challenge the network faces with its highest-rated prime time host out on leave until April.

Wow he must be in big trouble! Someone please tell me what the fuck the point of inspector generals is.

This is my dad to a T. 9pm is Rachel time and very little gets in the way of that. He’s actually a bonafide liberal as far as boomers go, but I constantly have to hear about the latest Republican scandal that just surely will matter this time because the way Maddow broke it down showed there is no way they’ll wriggle their way out of it yet again. Alas.

This is my parents too (they also keep calling it ‘WSNBC’, bless their hearts). They’re absolutely convinced that multiple charges are coming for Trump any day now, and think I’m just being cynical when I tell them nothing is ever gonna happen.

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Rachel is fine, FWIW. It’s just i follow this way too closely and it’s bad for me, I can’t imagine getting excited about a WH guest list getting released. It’s like watching Lost where they keep throwing out new plot points and wrinkles but there’s never any payoff.

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I get this weird feeling that people bring up the wegotem.gif stuff to me because they know I followed Trump closely and they want to talk about what they know and are discovering, and they’re like confused when I completely write them off as wasting their time over and over again. Like cmon MrUnstoppable I thought you hated Trump shouldn’t you be happy we got him!

Rachel is ok, but Alex Wagner has been filling in , and she is fine.

I don’t get it.


I’m guessing they live east of the Mississippi and that’s how they’re used to their tv channels being? But I’m not sure

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No doubt. I stopped following political minutiae and it’s definitely helped reduce my anxiety.

Haven’t watched a news show since I left the UK

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tRUmp’s new joint looks a bit like twitter.


Anybody shocked?

Also, I can’t access it. Guess it’s for Americans only.