The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

i don’t want dems to blindly support police unions, or xenophobic anti-immigrant unions. the union model in general is getting coopted

Ok this letter is pretty funny. “Yeah those 9 years of fraudulent financial statements we prepared? Due to, uh, a recent court filing we now realize those were horseshit. Also we now have a conflict of interest and quit as Trumps accountant.”

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“Oops, our bad. We resign as Trump’s accountants.” Put these clowns in prison, please!

Why did they fight all the way up to the Supreme Court not to hand over the information? How is Congress’ mandatory audit of presidential tax returns coming along?

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Lol George Conway

Also, lolol


This is such a myth.


There’s no mention of all the auditing? He wasn’t really under audit? Man you can’t trust anybody these days. But that doesn’t mean an army of accountants isn’t heading down to Mar-A-Lago to make a pitch.

People/organizations do dumb shit all the time. Best illustration of this imo is insurance bad faith. I don’t really understand it, but a buddy of mine works for a high-end plaintiffs firm that does a ton of it, and they make a killing. Every case he explains to me is basically, yeah we just got a multimillion dollar verdict because some insurance company refused to tender a $50k policy limit when the insured caused some child to become horribly disfigured/paralyzed etc. like, all the company had to do was tender the limit and they were free and clear, but nope!



This guy gets how to do Twitter


Wrong ex-President.

With a weak and co-opted Honduran justice system, Hondurans’ hope for justice had rested for years with U.S. federal prosecutors in New York, where a string of revelations against Hernández was closely followed back home.

Speculation had swirled for months over whether Hernández he would be charged once he was no longer president, because U.S. prosecutors in New York repeatedly implicated him

So close.


This probably belongs in the bad media outlets thread but: I tuned in to bastion of liberal thought MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” as I got dressed for work this morning to see what they were saying about this obvious bombshell. Not a thing. They spent the entire half hour talking about the made-up story that Fox News has been peddling hard, wherein some slapdick attorney who once said hello to Hilldawg somehow “hacked” the Trump empire and something something this is obviously how the election was stolen and proves the Trump/Russia scandal was made up.

I mean, sure they were presenting it as they should have and showing how Fox is clearly pushing a false narrative, but how is this scandal not the top story this morning?


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Some people are saying that maybe they are the greatest assets of all time.


Some people are saying that we got him.


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Eh, I’ve seen that as a way to balance the statement.

This is real? Its not funny enough to be Onion. WTF though? Like, if OJ Simpson got away with murder, shouldn’t everybody get away with it? These financial crimes would have been a thing, but a lady got pushed onto the subway tracks the other day. What about that?

The letter is even more insane than I would expect it to be, by a significant margin.

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I just read that the DC AG just reinstated the Trump organization in the case against his inaugural committee. I’m sure this has been discussed before, but I missed it. How the hell is this guy paying his legal bills? I get that he’s grifting his base for donations and that the RNC is footing a large portion. But jfc his legal fees has to look like a small country’s defense budget by now. Does the RNC really have unlimited funds to continue covering him and his company’s ever more numerous court battles?