The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

$500/h is actually $0/h when you never pay the bill.


the math checks out


He is legitimately a bigger favourite to be indicted than to ever pay one dollar of the bill.


Just came here to post this. He’s never paying that.

Former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is scheduled to testify next week.

Or not, I guess. No consequences! Actually if I had to put money on anyone prominent having flipped already it would be Ultra Coward Mark.

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Not that it matters, but the victims aren’t the banks. The victims are the NY taxpayers, because the issue is really that Trump was underinflating his assets for Tax purposes.

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Banks too. They would have charged much higher rates if they knew his actual finances.

Is this guy on Trump’s legal team yet? He knows how to put the entire country on trial, and understands “taking a few liberties” with female guests

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Tax bills are not based on what the owner says the property is worth. They are assessed by the government (who doesn’t even ask the owner what they think the value is). Similarly the banks had properties independently appraised. Literally nobody was taking Trumps self reported personal financial statement seriously. He’s right there are no damages, and this is stupid.


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Will be interviewed on Hannity tonight at 9:00 on Fox. Enjoy!

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This is just wrong. Weirdly so. Maybe I am missing a joke?

Please. Banks are victims :roll_eyes:

Like they don’t have their own independent appraisers and know exactly what they’re doing. If Trump did rip them off they deserved it

You are basically saying you can’t defraud a bank. That is just stupid.

Clovis, you’re just wrong dude. Does it seem remotely plausible to you that banks would loan 9 figures with real estate collateral based on what (checks notes) Donald Trump said it was worth?

Similarly, does it seem remotely plausible real estate taxes are based on what the owner says the property is worth?


You’re not gonna defraud a bank or insurance company by grossly over inflating the value of a property. Nor are you likely to defraud the state by grossly under inflating it. It is quite literally their business to know the value of a property they are lending on or insuring. There is a county assessor’s office who tabulates taxes and the onus is on the property owner to haggle a more favorable tax bill. They don’t just take an owner’s word for these things

If there is extra money in the deal, from the FOP. (Friends of Putin).

Saw an unconfirmed rumor they have evidence of Trump showing off the classified docs at MAL.