The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Trump and his lawyers: Fuck you
Special Master: ok


I hope everyone realizes these headlines are nothing more than click bait. Any conceivable chance he had of winning an election went out the window on January 6th, 2021


I donā€™t understand how thatā€™s calculated, since I think it greatly matters who the nominees are. Trump couldnā€™t even beat Biden in 2020 before the J6 and document fiascos. He certainly wouldnā€™t win now. Unfortunately, I think DeSantis would have a very good shot. Iā€™d like to see how theyā€™re arriving at those odds. Most people misunderstand statistics and those betting odds may be more of a reflection of what the general population thinks. I honestly donā€™t know

uhhhhā€¦. i wouldnā€™t want to bet the farm on that



Iā€™m sure his musing on these subjects is sublime

Its just a market and prices are determined by the users.

I think heā€™s ā€œovervaluedā€ there too but man especially after so many, likely 10s of thousands, of trumpers lost a shit ton of money in 2020 there makes me think that the odds posted there are closer to reality than weā€™d like to think.

Many of those same people cleaned up on him in 2016

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s impossible for him to win. Just exceedingly unlikely. Heā€™s even now a dog to win his own partyā€™s nomination. That wouldā€™ve been unthinkable a year ago. The guy is an out of control a dumpster fire that people think will magically become pristine and relevant. Itā€™s not going to happen. Stick a fork in him. Heā€™s done

not only am i sure heā€™ll escape jail, iā€™m fairly confident itā€™ll be in a helicopter and many people will say it was the classiest prison escape in american history


Real or Onion?

Lol, this is all meaningless and nothing matters, but his whole play for a special master looks like it might be backfiring a bit.

and on top of that trump can only get the worst lawyers this is supposed to be alabama vs a division III team in court and they still donā€™t get him

Imagine being a sane person and writing this in 2022.

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the Don is somehow once again going to become pres.

what will his majesty do after his greatest triumph?!

Shocking the world into a thousand century epoch of peaceful meditation, TrumpGoat says," Triumph?! over what? over whom?"

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sources tell Channel 2 Action News that there may have been some confusion over the subpoena, and she apparently did not testify.

Confusion. :woman_shrugging:

It is unclear if there will be legal repercussions from her failure to appear.

Unclear. :man_shrugging:


we demand you show up if you donā€™t this will go on your PERMANENT RECORD

Nonsense on stilts thread title change? :vince1: