The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

(image TRUTH)

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heā€™s posting it in reverse order lol

So I was curious who this guy was:

man I looked up the wiki list, the only other people Iā€™ve heard of was justin amash for being that weird independent in the house that just wasnā€™t willing to go that far and lost his seat as a result, the former owner of the bills, and another conservative media commentator

thatā€™s pretty sad

oh and gephardt, old school dem congress guy who had some position at one point (oh dem leader of the house from like 95 to 03, how about that)



I would have bet money he wasnā€™t an attorney based on the way he was talking about the complaint, lol.

itā€™s hilarious to me the only person who doesnā€™t know nothing is going to happen to him

is trump himself


wait, what are you talking about?

man the most entertaining but nut low way this could play out is if this somehow drags through courts and heā€™s on the verge of facing serious consequences, wins the election, promptly pardons himself

Thereā€™s also Cactus and 90+% of Law Twitter.

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Donald Trumpā€™s legal perils have become insurmountable and could snuff out the former US presidentā€™s hopes of an election-winning comeback, according to political analysts and legal experts.

The former US president has repeatedly hinted that he intends to run for the White House again in 2024. But the cascade of criminal, civil and congressional investigations could yet derail that bid.

ā€œHeā€™s done, ā€ said Allan Lichtman, a history professor at American University, in Washington, who has accurately predicted every presidential election since 1984. ā€œHeā€™s got too many burdens, too much baggage to be able to run again even presuming he escapes jail, he escapes bankruptcy. Iā€™m not sure heā€™s going to escape jail.ā€

In before trump runs and this dude predicts him to win and he wins


Man, people have been writing about how Trumpā€™s ā€œlegal perils have become insurmountableā€ for five fucking years. This shit is old.


Iā€™ve said before that I wouldā€™ve been fine with NOT criminally indicting Trump and just throwing the book at all his minions who aided and abetted J6 and election lies. I think that wouldā€™ve been enough of a deterrent to prevent people to attempt anything like that again. However, after this document fiasco and depending on what they find as to why he took them and what he was going to do with, I donā€™t think itā€™s ever possible to not indict

Exactly this. Republicans have sunk so low that theyā€™re going to go scorched earth after Garland and anyone else they can anyway. It really doesnā€™t even matter what Garland does at this point. They have zero scruples or shame



This one is effectively admitting that a preponderance of the evidence will show Trump committed fraud. Or, sorry, ā€œfraudā€.


LMAO good for you buddy. Now do Pennsylvania, jackass.