The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



The idea that Trump is ever going to see the inside of a courtroom on any criminal case ever continues to be a fantasy.

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The whole special master thing has always been a sideshow. Even I was shocked by Cannon’s ruling. It doesn’t mean he’s going to get got. He’s not going to get got.

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Blinded by your lies, we can’t believe a thing

And his attorney has every incentive to try every hair-brained strategy since he got paid $3million up front.

Or until you realise that it means Biden could (re)classify shit by thinking about it.


But Biden isn’t really the President because the election was STOLEN! Chessmate libtard.

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No, the ultrasound probe didn’t vibrate. They used a separate vibrator as the vibrational source, and then used a conventional ultrasound.

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Damn you’re right. I see another problem though: Trump never actually THINKS. How are his lawyers going to prove that he is capable of thought?


MAGAs are claiming this isn’t true by focusing on the last sentence of this:


Yes. Information that has not previously been disclosed to the public under proper authority may be classified or reclassified after an agency has received a request for it under the FOIA, Presidential Records Act, 44 USC 2204(c)(1), the Privacy Act of 1974, or the mandatory review provisions of E.O. 13526, only if such classification or reclassification meets the requirements of E.O. 13526, and is accomplished on a document-by-document basis with the personal participation or under the direction of the agency head, the deputy agency head, or the senior agency official. Information may not be reclassified after declassification and release to the public under proper authority.

But of course the documents in question haven’t been released to the public, so this is irrelevant.

As someone who does a ton of ultrasound, sounds wildly annoying to use.

AFAIK, Trump hasn’t presented any evidence that he declassified any of the documents, so getting caught in the weeds of whether stuff can be reclassified is conceding too much.

idk, like it’s blindingly obvious to all of us that this was highly classified shit but good luck proving to a Harvard lawbro judge that Trump can’t have just waved his hand and declassified all of it. There’s basically nothing in the law that requires him to follow standard practices and POTUS is explicitly the last word on when and how things get classified. Seems like a complete dead end for prosecutors.

even if it’s declassified it doesn’t mean he can just take it home, lol


But then what record-keeping laws does POUTS actually have to follow? Are they actually statutes or just federal regulations?

I mean, Twitter lawbros are laughing it up, but the law looks like total Calvinball and there’s no precedent for any of this. I can see Trump arguing this in court and delaying for years.

Sounds promising as a method for cheating at the highest levels of chess though.


It’s weird that people are fine with there being a process for reclassifying shit but not for declassifying it. I know self-consistency doesn’t matter in the Trump universe but man.

Agree that most of this stuff hasn’t been litigated and there are tons of ways to delay final judgment on any of it, but there is a law

Cleaning staff and members at Mar-A-Lago seem like a significant part of the public. Checkmate libtard.

Man, MAGA-lawyering is an easy job

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The thing about Trump is all you have to do is imagine the laziest simplist way to get out of something and you’ve nailed his strategy. The funny part is it works!