The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

(video TRUTH)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

It’s stuff like this that does stoke the sweet summer child in me to believe he’ll be irrelevant (that or president lol) post 2024. Not jailed of course. Like this constant stuff can’t be that captivating for some of his fans especially when they are losing their jobs etc when the economy worm turns. Ofc also lol trumpers, lol me etc etc waaf

Ok. I’ve decided he’s going to get got.

When he’s dead.

Lold, was that the guy Antonio fake laughed at when he said something about AK being like Anna Kournikova?

I did not know this detail. Go Green.

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Ha we got ann coulter, the unambomber and hh holmes. Notable people don’t go to state:)

Declassifying documents is a sin of the heart. This guy is the GOAT on the frontiers of bullshit.

Hey we got Nate. :man_shrugging:

ugh we also got ann coulter. i’ve been repressing that fact from memory.

He’s from EL, didn’t go to MSU

They’re mocking it, but 50-60% of the country is going to eat it up, it’s a damn good bullshit defense. “He’s the president, OF COURSE he can declassify anything anytime he wants. What’s he supposed to do, ask the Supreme Court for permission to take his work home with him at night???”

The right wing media machine will make this canon within three days.

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It’s a great defense until you ask why he thought it was a good idea to declassify America’s nuclear secrets, and the weapons systems of allied countries, and identify American spies working in other countries. The defense falls apart when we get a better inkling of what was contained in the documents.

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Next up, telepathic pardons, fret not Rudy!



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Trump has a discoiffure on his head, while he bears the discomfiture of it all inside his diseased head.

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I love shit like this, where people who are deeply immersed in a profession and its professionalism have to pretend that what they’re doing is srs biz and not actually hilarious to people on the outside looking in. Yes, we are supposed to cite fuckin’ Cobbledick vs. United States in all seriousness and not admit that it’s a made up name for our own amusement, and no, no one in our line of worked has ever, EVER quipped about “Gobbledick.” Sure thing, lawbro.

Another great example of this was when I was in grad school. There was a monthly seminar series (with beer afterwards, so everyone would come) that mixed people in the pure sciences with people in the medical school. This one talk featured a guy from the med school working to advance ultrasound for cancer screening. The problem being addressed was that ultrasound measures a tissue’s propensity to reflect the ultrasound waves, which is correlated with tissue density, but that isn’t quite the same thing as tissue stiffness, and things like cancerous lumps that are easy for a doctor (or anyone else, really, like in breast self exams) to feel didn’t light up on ultrasound like you might think they would. So, the bright idea was to introduce sub-ultrasonic waves (I guess sonic waves, at the lower end of audible frequencies), and then use ultrasound to measure the difference in vibrational response: the stiff tissue doesn’t vibrate, and the soft tissue does, so this can make the stiffer cancerous lumps light up on an ultrasound. It’s actually a cool idea that seemed to have some promise, but also, they were testing this out on prostate cancer. Thus, the patient got a “vibrational source” right up the ass and an ultrasound from the taint. Half the room had on their professional, stoic, pre- or post-clinician faces, and the other (my) half of the room was like, ok, this might be good medicine, but how are you not your own vibrational source from laughing your own ass off?


You guys all think this is the same old song and dance as when he was president. You’re going to find out (and more importantly, so is he) that it’s so not

Wait it literally vibrated? I use a lot of us and even below the frequencies we use there’s a lot of gap (I thought)

I do laugh about that kind of shit all the time though

How does that one go? It sounds hilarious.

They sure do! What do you think is going to happen next?