The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Some law professor wrote a 300+ tweet thread documenting his crimes since the 70s. The length of the thread tells you all you need to know.

Gotta be up there for greatest criminal, too. I mean who did more crimes by quantity or severity and got away with it all?


Theres a reddit thread about this shit. I think its r/dontdeadopeninside

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This prob belongs / will end up in the LOL LAW thread, but still for the record:



Is this a 3 judge panel? Or was it an informal vote of the whole circuit, it wasnā€™t close and one was assigned to write it up???

Does Cannon get taken to the woodshed?

2 trump judges out of 3 lololol

This whole thing is absurd the Cannon ruling was totally preposterous

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Unclear how likely this is to stand. No doubt thereā€™s a way for the ball to be pulled away in short order! But it sure looks a lot like this allows the DOJ to crack on, for now at least.

I assume some Trump judges have some self respect and legal knowledge

TBF theyā€™re Fed Soc judges that Trump rubber stamped. Iā€™m sure if he could do things over he would press much harder for personal loyalty.


This is a denial of a lack of stay issued by the district court. I think the appeal only concerned the ā€œconfidentialā€ docs but am not sure. It would always start with a 3 judge panel (discretionary en banc review can be sought later by all judges in a circuit). One judge always writes it up, though decisions, like this one, can be unsigned (ā€œper curiumā€ or by the court). I doubt they took Cannon to the woodshed, but being reversed on a stay denial is kinda being taken to the woodshed.

This is a point Iā€™ve made before, very few judges that were appointed while Trump was president are likely to be Trump sycophants. He didnā€™t have the attention span to scrutinize any but the most relevant appointees for loyalty. Most of them are bog-standard Fed Soc stooges, which are not necessarily loyal to Trump,


Guess which Justice handles emergency appeals from the 11th Circuit?

Clarence Thomas


75-90% of these judges care a lot more about making Cocaine Mitch happy than Donald Trump happy. Cannon is an exception.

These people were mostly working for 15-20 years, some since high school, to be conservative federal judges. They didnā€™t see Trump coming any more than liberals. Some have Fox news brain, like Alito, but very few are Trumpists.


Law Twitter says 3/3 agree on the stay and 2/3 are Trump nominated.
But yeah, Uncle Clarence.

Reading this, seems Clarence Thomas can reinstate the stay on his own. Is that true?

He could but it would be appealed pretty rapidly where

The 4 choads would join him.

Iā€™d call this a bit of a smackdown.

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I never cared much about the SDNY case, butā€¦

DoJ has access to documents again :wink: