The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

lol this truth no longer exists, did he fuck a post up? what is this?

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Option 2 kind of tracks if you remember he saw Lil Jon dressed like Uncle Sam and thought the it was Uncle Tom

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We got him so bad when this $250M suit results in the Save American PAC paying a $1.3M fine


How many times did the Justice Department under Barr threaten to indict wives or children of targets of investigations to exert pressure?

arenā€™t they company officers?

Yes. I havenā€™t dug into the NYAG thing enough to know exactly what time period she is looking it, but Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka have all been senior executives at different periods of time. And IIRC Don and Eric were the designated trustees of the ā€œBlind Trustā€ that Senior put his business affairs in when he became Potus.

These are 40 year old adults with degrees from Ivy League schools and Barr is out here arguing that they should get both more sympathy and be expected to have a lesser understanding of the law than a 5 year old child being asked to successfully make an asylum claim. GTFO with that nonsense.


The ā€œkidsā€ are 40. You know, in contrast to the kids Bill Barr helped separate from their parents.


And the 14-17 yr old non whites that the state of texas must treat and try as adults.

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Welcome to the real world!

Heā€™s right :frowning:

ā€œThe childrenā€ aka ā€œthe Trump org executivesā€.



The more I think about it the stupider this NY AG thing is. First, nobody lost money, he paid everyone back, itā€™s truly a victimless crime. Second, the supposedly defrauded parties are some of the biggest banks in the world, who cares. Third, every developer does this, maybe not as ridiculously, but they just do. Fourth, banks get shit independently appraised before lending on it, they donā€™t take the borrowers word for it. Fifth and most importantly, it focuses attention on behavior not in any way unique to Trump, driving attention to relatively inoffensive behavior relative to the dozens of felonies that could be charged (most obviously tax fraud, which, what the fuck guys, charge him with tax fraud, heā€™s obviously guilty).





Yeah sure he might pay a $2mm fine or whatever. But heā€™s raising $15mm off it from the chuds.

Itā€™s almost as if all of his criminal activity was out in the open this whole time


Maybe my brain is just a croissant but it took me like 5 tries to understand that articleā€™s headline.


Lol. Pretty strong we got him!!! Vibes. I am from the future. We did not, in fact, get him.

Promises made, promises kept!

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You forgot the point where he fundraised 25 million off of it.

He is seriously the greatest grifter in the history of the world.