The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Nah they have been all in on defending trump up to this point. This is a big shift.

This seems big! WSJ commenters must know something is about to happen. Don’t want to be associated with Trump when the indictments come!

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More like they listen to Mitch who has delivered?

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Up til now though it’s been fine? I will never understand the whole phenomenon. Of course, I overthink these things.

Yeah, this.

Remember how all those crazy Q people thought that some nonsense thing was going to happen and Trump was going to be president again and Biden would be out. It kept not happening so they kept re-reading their coded messages or whatever and kept coming up with new dates when it would happen. Of course, it never did.

This is the lefty version of that.


I kind of feel like maybe it’s definitive proof that there is justice. The US doesn’t deserve any breaks at this point. For proof see how desperate white parents are to pass on their bullshit world view to their kids and how angry they get when anyone teaches their kids even a watered down version of their own history.

This sentiment is pretty common outside of America. Most people don’t follow American politics closely if they live outside of America. So they aren’t aware of the structural problems that exist there. To them, Trump was a one-off.

Even after Bush 43 twice?

And the fact that Trump only barely lost in 2020?

American propaganda has been pretty successful world wide. Many, many people outside America think that Americans are crass and stupid, but especially in poorer countries and former Eastern Bloc countries the mythology of America as The Land Of Freedom And Opportunity is pretty strong.


To be fair compared to living in a really poor country or a legit dictatorship, America is a better option even in its currently fucked state.


Watched a documentary on Kazakhstan and thought to myself that I wouldn’t be shit talking America in front of them. Man, life there is not for the weak.

Most foreigners don’t know anything about the electoral college. So they are way more likely to know Biden won by 10M votes than that it was electorally close.

This is definitely true, but especially in the former Eastern Bloc countries the popular concept the US is still that it is anti-Soviet. But the Republican party is extremely Soviet in nature and style in 2022. The things we used to ridicule the Soviets for, like their fear of speaking out against Dear Leader or being censured by The Party, are now bread and butter characteristics of the Republican party.

He only won by 7M and that was out of 158M votes. Even if we used the popular vote, that’s still nearly 47% voting for fascism. That’s SUPER close.

Of course when I did explain it to my students they remarked how stupid it was for it to exist which they are right to do.

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Yup, I’ve gotten the same reaction from every foreigner I’ve explained it to when traveling, and I told them I agree. They asked why we don’t change it, and I just told them that’s even more complicated lol… But that a majority of people support changing it.

Yeah if they look at the percentages they’ll think it’s close, but if they just hear the raw vote totals they won’t. Just how the average human mind works.

most americans don’t know about it

Yeah I wasn’t trying to take a shot at foreigners. Most foreigners know way more about American politics than Americans know about foreign politics, we just have such a convoluted system that hardly anyone understands it who doesn’t read about it all the time.


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