The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Terrific! I understand that the current AG is a real fire-breathing, napalm-farting badass. We got him!


Most democracies don’t elect the chief executive by straight popular vote. The only one I can think of that does is France

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I have a feeling that this is highly dependent on whatever technical definitions are being used, but seemed highly dubious.

I went to the wiki page for “States with a presidential system of government” and started at the top alphabetically to see how they elected a president.

Angola - Popular vote
Argentina - Popular vote
Benin - Popular vote
Bolivia - Popular vote
Brazil - Popular vote

Then I stopped because I was satisfied that your statement was wrong, and I did not need to investigate further.

I hope you weren’t considering parliamentary systems. Including them makes no sense because the prime minister governs at the consent of the legislature.


This account has been posting this type of nonsense for 6 years now.

Don’t know what’s more amusing the spelling or random capitalization. Never gets old.


It’s a good thing the president doesn’t have extremely broad authority to declassify documents at any time for any reason.


Wouldn’t this be the quickest and easiest way to stop him from running again? Also not easily something you can pin on other politicians.

I don’t think the DOJ will get involved. Easiest way for him not to run again is for cocaine mitch to kneecap him, the GA investigation, Desantis to throw him under the bus. (I don’t think any of these will happen.) Or maybe they should have just impeached him.

I’d have bet the farm that of all people here you’d be among the least likely to conflate impeachment and conviction.

Easiest way for him to not run again is for someone to convince Putin that Trump is liability and that Desantis or someone else would better further his agenda. Then, wham, polonium enema and the problem is solved.

At some point it becomes stanning for the EC when you make an observation that not only defends the EC, but is also objectively wrong.

Mexico can’t keep its journalists from getting killed when they report that a local government has been overtaken by cartels, but they DO have presidential vote by simple plurality AND a universal national ID card. Nice things are in fact possible.

Lol you are making a joke right?



Man given all the stuff they did openly, or at least kept around in one form or another, what were they flushing/burning?

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It could be a hand written confession by trump himself admitting to being a spy for Russia the whole time, embezzling billions and calling everyone who ever donated to him or attended a rally total idiots and it would not matter at all. It wouldn’t change a single mind of a MAGAer or force the dems to do anything to trump.

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I don’t think his statement is true even if you include every parliamentary system that doesn’t have a president (where by definition the legislature has dominion over the executive). There are 70 something of those and 80 something with independent executives. Are there any systems with independent executives other than the US that don’t use popular vote?

But like I said, now you are getting into the minutiae of technical definitions. The main idea remains true – having an independent executive that isn’t elected via popular vote is extremely rare at best.

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Maybe that’s why Trump complained about toilets.


Look, flushing documents is dumb, but it’s not flushing kitty litter-level dumb.