The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

These people were told their whole lives that we have checks and balances and no one is above the law and now even after six years of this they just can’t break through. They just have to believe that the hammer is out there somewhere, just about to drop.


I doubt very much happens in official DC without Mitch having advance warning. Well other than Trumps tweets. Color me @SweetSummerChild im beginning to think something big is going to happen.

@narrator you can go fuck off


Is this a “turn” for Mitch? Hasn’t he been fairly consistent on his 1/6 statements since 1/6?

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Even if “something” is about to happen, he’s been out of office for like two years now? Wonderful system of checks and balances where a corrupt official maybe gets got years after his term of office is up.

Nothing is about to happen.

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They’re just starting the pivot to Desantis. Nothing is going to happen to Trump.

McConnell is an old-school Senator who enjoys chumming it up with other genteel assholes like Liz Cheney and he doesn’t like uncouth Trumpistas and he really doesn’t like feral MAGA guys throwing feces on the wall of his workplace. That’s all there is to this bombshell. It’s not strategic, he just genuinely doesn’t like Trumpers or their antics.


More Sweet Summer Child, we got him:

Hey you never know, maybe Trump’s about to officially announce that he’s running.

Edit: To be clear I’m suggesting that what’s about to happen is the announcement, not that they’re going to pinch him right before he announces lol… I’m not on Team Sweet Summer Child.

Lol the only thing happening to trump is another 4 years in the White House.

They are going to deliver the biggest hammer of them all - the sternest of all letters.


Had a run in with a real, live @SweetSummerChild - my friends have an exchange high school student from Montenegro, bright kid, really into politics, poor bastard really believes things can improve. I made some offhand comment about Trump winning again in 2024 and he just couldn’t believe it - “America will really vote for him a second time? With all the investigations?!?” Yeah, buddy.

Woof a Montenegran really into politics - ask him for his opinion on the Bosnian War. Bring a barf bag before you do.

We got him!

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Good. Finally things will go back to normal again!

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Anyone… convicted… disqualified from holding federal office in the future.


Nananana I can’t hear you. I’m am looking forward to the soul crushing disappointment after getting my hopes up.

The WSJ comments (!) are universally anti-trump. That shocks me.

The wannabee millionaires (or as they think “millionaires in waiting”) don’t read the WSJ. Actual millionaires do.

lol, wut? Of course the readers of the WSJ are going to find Trumpism déclassé.