The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

ok but what if they pick a pencelike worm who is SUCH a beta nobody would possibly believe trump isn’t in charge? they can find one, i’m sure. and! as perpetual vice president he gets to decide every election at the last minute, JUST like he did on the show!

I keep going back to the motherfucker surviving COVID as conclusive proof that there is absolutely zero justice in the world. That was an absolute layup.


Doesn’t matter. Even the faintest hint of him not being The Boss will grate at him until he explodes. He’s not just an asshole, he’s legitimately mentally ill.


definitely, yeah, the role of vice president needs to be rebranded as a parallel presidential position where that president is allowed to be as vicefilled as he wants

it’s all part of the checks-and-balances Our Founding Fathers imagined, and i’m sure the supreme court would agree

President Ivanka?

lmao yeah he’s got 5 kids so he gets to be vice president for another 20 years just on that, and no one would question his authority

oh no 40 years wow. he’ll live 40 years easy, we’re in the darkest timeline


chairman of the presidency


This guy is an awesome follow and also is not Eric Clapton despite the pic

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larry moran:

As a matter of fact, the insurance industry is a material reason America is the leading economic power in the world. It rapidly and efficiently rebuilds homes and businesses when they are devastated by various perils. It helps individuals accumulate wealth and helps widows, widowers and children sustain their standard of living at the loss of a major family breadwinner.

is this true? is insurance the answer? can we get millenials some insurance so they stop talking about how they can’t accumulate anything?

eta: did black wall st get rebuilt by the insurance industry rapidly and efficiently?

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The old sticky fingered bastard had to have absconded with more than just a few boxes of paper.


The insurance industry wrote a lot of business selling bad universal life insurance policies to stupid boomers and marketing it as a great way to accumulate wealth. Of course Larry Moron the retired boomer probably thinks he’s a regular Warren Buffet for buying some universal life insurance in 1993.

That garbage should be illegal. Those policies are SO BAD. Like you always see these bogleheads threads “I’ve paid 5,000 a year for 20 years, the cash value is $60,000, the death benefit is $25,000, what do I do?”

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I work in the insurance industry (although not for a company whose primary line is life). The industry term for life insurance is actually “assurance”, because it’s not really an insurance policy - it’s a policy that always pays out, it’s just a question of when and how much.

There are very smart actuaries who build lots and lots of tables to ensure (see what I did there) that the premiums exceed the payouts on a given policy when adjusted for the present value of money (underwriting profit) and/or that the company will make more money investing the premiums than it will pay out in benefits (investment profit). In other words, just like casinos, insurance companies are not in the business of “gambling.”


STEPHEN M. CALK was sentenced to one year and one day of imprisonment for corruptly using his position as the head of a federally-insured bank to issue millions of dollars in high-risk loans to Paul Manafort in exchange for personal benefit: CALK’s placement on the Donald J. Trump 2016 presidential campaign and assistance from Manafort in trying to obtain a senior position with the incoming presidential administration.


It is kind of weird how deplorables can’t seem to summon any rage towards McConnell despite Trump constantly shitting on him.

Separately, this is the single biggest sweet summer child account on all of Twitter:

This is the first video I’ve seen of a Jan 6 shitstain running down the hallway.

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Big day for we got him Twitter