The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

President Putin of Russia is now threatening the use of Nuclear Weapons, saying “It is not a bluff.” The Ukrainian conflict should never have happened, and would not have happened if I were President. But as I have made very clear for quite some time, this could now end up being World War III.

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LOL I do not expect this to go anywhere but its going to hilarious watching Trump lose it in response.

Like yeah, he lied on his personal financial statements, where are the damages?

A criminal tax fraud prosecution would be easier to prove and carry jail time.

That’s the best tweet I’ve ever seen ainec.


10/10 Commoduses


Seeking minimum of $250 million in disgorgement among many restrictions such as not being able to get loans or buy real estate in NY for 5 years

I suspect Trump will attempt to use the “that makes me smart” defense.

this seems really dumb and possibly will even detract from legit pursuit of Trump on actual crimes

“Its not the art of the deal, its the art of the steal.”

lololol come on this is stupid

Might keep him tied up with legal stuff to kneecap his 2024 campaign.

Now now now. There is also a referral to SDNY and the IRS for criminal fraud. We. Got. Him. Nevertheless.


Apparently the AG also forgot Tiffany exists

She was never an employee of the company was she?

If I were writing this season: Tiffany has realized that she’s never going to get an inheritance, and so has decided to become a whistleblower to get the sweet 15-30% reward.

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Another Witch Hunt by a racist Attorney General, Letitia James, who failed in her run for Governor, getting almost zero support from the public, and now is doing poorly against Law & Order A.G. candidate, highly respected Michael Henry. I never thought this case would be brought - until I saw her really bad poll numbers. She is a fraud who campaigned on a “get Trump” platform, despite the fact that the city is one of the crime and murder disasters of the world under her watch!

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FPOTUS reinforcing Putin’s bluff.


Attorney General Letitia “Peekaboo” James, a total crime fighting disaster in New York, is spending all of her time fighting for very powerful and well represented banks and insurance companies, who were fully paid, made a lot of money, and never had a complaint about me, instead of fighting murder and violent crime, which is killing New York State. She is a failed A.G. whose lack of talent in the fight against crime is causing record numbers of people and companies to flee New York. Bye, bye!

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