The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Going to need to see Patrick Orlando and Ron Mexico together at the same time


According to olds that I’ve talked with about this, it’s more like you have to function on less sleep because you become worse at sleeping as you age. Not sure how true it is, but it’s what I have heard from my sampling of olds.

Not that it really matters, but they didn’t solicit investments. They were reaching out to retail investors who already had shares and needed to vote in order to extend the SPAC deadline. I believe they failed and somehow the sponsors kicked in a couple million to extend anyway… yet can’t pay these folks.

Also the PIPE deal expired today, so the $1b of private investment which is supposed to fund cash flow for the business might just walk - which effectively terminates the merger.

The backers were already getting a sweet deal, but the stock tanked so hard since that they have them by the balls and are trying to recut the deal to be even more favorable for them.

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

Remember, just two years ago we had the strongest and best Southern Border in U.S. history. They weren’t coming up and through because they knew that it was going to be very hard to come in, and stay in. That’s the best Border policy of them all, by far. I built the Wall, and then added more. Remain in Mexico, we said. It all worked!!!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

I’ve figured out the perfect compromise. We should build Trump’s wall using undocumented labor and give them all citizenship after they finish building it.

love how they changed the dimensions of that pic to make him appear thinner

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Can someone give me the cliffs on the “we aren’t going to comment on whether these particular documents are classified or not because we might need to use that as a defense in a criminal trial” strategy?

Is this

  1. just trying to waste time
  2. trump’s lawyers are completely incompetent
  3. both A and B?

In theory I guess 4) “this is actually a legitimate and sound strategy” is possible but I don’t see how disclosing this now would somehow prevent them from using whatever they disclose in a criminal proceeding so it must be 1, 2 or 3.

I think the truth is they know every document is classified so what can they do

This and they know arguing that they’ve declassified the identities of spies providing foreign nuclear capability intel is ridiculous, so they won’t use that as a legal argument, but they do want to use it on the rubes because there will never be accountability unless they allow it.


Here’s one explanation

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You forgot
5 judge shop for an idiot or complicit judge.

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ok so it’s not “this will be our defense in a potential criminal case” as they’re overtly stating, it’s “giving you this will incriminate the client.” He’s basically taking the 5th without overtly stating such.

he’s still a criminal regardless of whether the docs are declassified or not, though, correct? The docs, even if declassified, are still the government’s property, not his.

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I think it’s more “we need to be able to make this up as we go along, and that will be harder if you pin us down on this issue today”.

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Sadly the real answer is that we need to keep the rubes believing us-not so they can get on a jury of 12-but so they can form a mob of thousands in the event Donnie gets arrested.

I don’t think we’ve really heard enough about how insane it would be for Trump to do a blanket declassification of dozens of documents. And wouldn’t somebody on the Trump team be asked what the logic was in unveiling all of these secrets, as they should become publicly available if they’re really not classified.

It’s just high level deny until you die