The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

So today is not the day? Aww


She should be charged with perjury. Today. Otherwise it’s all bullshit.

Narrator: it’s all bullshit.

Trump is still a despicable pig, approaching 80. Lost and won’t be found.

Latham’s lawyers said, “Failing to accurately remember the details of events from almost two years ago is not lying.”


Not credible. My attorney/librarian wife does not subscribe to my proposal that lawyers suffer the same fate as the client for bullshit arguments.

Of course I’m the arbiter of what is bullshit.

We got him?

Is this fake?

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the image is probably fake, but he posted that


Special Master of Puppets, I’m pulling your strings!


Oh, FFS it’s 2022. In my area of the world fucking municipal level judges figured out how to do this shit by themselves from home around April of 2020. How the hell can nobody in the federal courthouse figure this out?

Probably because fancy pants federal judges are used to being treated like gods and it doesn’t even occur to them someone might dare misbehave in their presence.


You get that her case is civil, right?

So? At this point I’ll take any pain we can get. And hopefully, it’s just a start

I’d like to see him wiggle out of this judgement debt … Oh well, nevertheless

Not to mention literally zero percent to ever cost him one dollar or have any effect at all.


So a scam company hired a company to scam people into investing in them, and then that company got scammed? Sounds like they got what they deserved.