The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

So we’re really saying “Special Master Dearie” now, that’s an actual thing.

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Lol none of this ever seems real, can you imagine describing any of this to anyone even 3 years ago?

“Yea the pandemic wiped out a few mill, and russia might nuke some people, but you know, thank god gas has fallen back down to $6/gallon”

this seems like a total non-sequitor, but he’s actually communicating that he has more documents in a different location that the fbi didn’t find, and he’s just finding them before he truthed that truth post.


I understand that 35% of voters would still support Trump if he were caught on video slashing babies in a nursery. But a recent poll came out that said 41% think the investigations into him should stop. I’m just trying to understand the psyche of the country. Can anyone explain how more than 4 in 10 voters aren’t bothered by espionage, inciting an insurrection, and trying to steal an election? I honestly don’t get it

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More than 4 in 10 voters is a deplorable piece of shit. It’s really that simple.


There is a word for guys like Trump: Traitor. And also shit weasel. And dink. There are many words.

(Stolen from Resident Alien. Alan Tudyk is great.)

They live in a MAGA bubble. To them it was never ever legit because Trump has been under constant attack from the deep state for 7 years now! 7 solid years of Cucker, Hannity et al just blasting this shit from a megaphone on some of the most popular nightly news shows - every single day!

It turns out propaganda works - especially on old and/or dumb and closeminded people who just believe everything they’re told.

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because to them none of that is real, the teevee says so. seriously, that’s all it is

Also because being in a cult is their only social connection

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The poll was most likely conducted by land line and 40% of people who still answer a phone with a cord think the investigation should be stopped.

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Don’t know if this prediction has been made yet but if not you heard it here first: Dearie will be tough on Trump and declare 98% of the seized documents not privileged and classified AF, but in an effort to be fair he’ll give back some insignificant items like the time magazine covers or something. Trump then argues that the entire investigation is tainted since the DOJ began reviewing everything before the special master process. SCOTUS agrees by a 5-4 vote that Trump can no longer be prosecuted for any crimes related to the documents. In 20 years we’ll learn that the most sensitive documents had literal receipts attached to them documenting which foreign government they were sold to and for how much, because everyone involved has too much respect for the lol law to blow that whistle.


The Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, met me at the airport as I arrived for the big and very successful Youngstown Rally. He had to fly in to do so. I suggested he go home and spend some time with his family, he has a very busy political life. The Daily Mail, Unfunded New York Times, and certain others, said that I was dissed by the Governor, no time in his schedule to meet (see picture!). They knew that wasn’t true, but wrote the story anyway. Just more Fake News - When will it end???

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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Ohio Governor Mike DeVine and I meet just prior to the big Youngstown Rally.

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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he wouldnt lie

This is why I love the bot

They strenuously object to your line of questioning.

Watch 15 minutes of Fox News on a weeknight during prime time, then imagine watching a decade of that daily. You should get it then.

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It continues to occasionally perplex me as someone that has never lived in America (before I shake my head and realise how obvious it should be) but yeah I can’t imagine living in America and being surprised.

Well that’s unfortunate. I had never heard that usage and I’m almost old enough to have been one of those guys. Use didn’t really take off until the 90s. I’ll stand by shit weasel for Trump.

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