The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Thank you to The Federalist on a job well done!

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I wouldnā€™t even blink upon seeing like hitlerhadgoodideas dot com he is sending out some truly insane shit

Wow this guy is way way more annoying than I could have imagined from just by looking at his twitter profile picture


Trump meanwhile wasnā€™t even invited. His seat is 3000 miles away in florida


lol, he wants the queenā€™s funeral to be about him, like sheā€™s his ex, and itā€™s going to play well in the villages.

heā€™s probably sore the royal family flatly turned down his offer to bury the queen on the ninth hole at turnberry

those were her wishes! she said to trump, she said, ā€œsir, your golf courses are so fantastic, nothing would honor england more than to plant my ass right here on my favorite golf course that iā€™ve ever played in. and iā€™ve played them allā€


Youā€™ll be shocked to find they did this for literally every document in their possession it seems

AGAIN: How about this one. The man at the FBI in charge of investigating my FAKE involvement (none!) with Russia, was getting paid by, hold on, RUSSIA, and worked for the FBI. It is now called the No Collusion by Trump Hoax, as per the Mueller Report, a waste by the government of 40 Million Dollars, and lots of timeā€¦Although it did expose the Radical Left Lunatics that are working hard to destroy our Country!

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In Real Estate, like in Politics and in Life, LOCATION IS EVERYTHING!!!

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but isnā€™t russiaā€¦ good? iā€™m so confused now.

hold on, ā€œthe man at the FBI ā€¦ worked for the FBIā€ ??? huge if true.


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Oh Jesus I didnā€™t realize that was him. Seen that guy on Twitter and heā€™s awful there too

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turnberry is in Scotland though

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That guy looks like Urijah Faber to me.


ā€œYou have classified documents. Thatā€™s illegal.ā€
ā€œI may have declassified them.ā€
ā€œDid you declassify them?ā€
ā€œNo comment.ā€

Judge: ā€œThese documents may be classified so case dismissed.ā€


So far itā€™s looks like trumps choice of Dearie may backfire (nevertheless).



Looooooooooooool. How many times does these lawbros have to be wrong before they stop?


Next up, Trump files some bullshit motion with the in the tank judge which she grants, Lawbros are freshly outraged, ah well nevertheless

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