The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

A small step for television, a giant step for mankind. Don Lemon, often called “the dumbest man on television” having made even Lebron James look smart during their interview two years ago, has been FIRED from his prime time evening spot on CNN - extremely low ratings - and will be thrown into their “Death Valley” morning show. I assume this means a BIG salary cut prior to his Complete & Total future firing from Ratings Challenged (to put it mildly!) CNN. Good luck Don, you’ll need it! MAGA!!!

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Man, just imagine how horrible a person trump would be if Melania didn’t do that whole anti bullying campaign


Trump really is a world-class shitposter. I don’t know if we’ll ever see his like again.


it’s 3am lol

It’s literally called Truthing, no way it could be a lie

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“Dumbest man on television” would have to be one of the most hotly contested positions in the world.

I wonder if Trump has offered a spot on one of his courses

Their entire life is centered around the law being sacred. If they acknowledge Trump is above the law, it would create an existential crisis for lawbros. Either the law is sacred or their entire life is a sham.

I would be more sympathetic if those same lawbros product wasn’t a flagrantly pay to win legal system.

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i think he’s just testing out ever crazier truths, hoping that people start talk about his dumb social site, instead of twtitter

Those Don Lemon posts are HOF material


I don’t recall, but I’m assuming lemon must have really embarrassed Trump at some point? These twee…errr truths seem personal.

Yes; also hes black


Yep. The whole “having made even Lebron James look smart” part says the quiet part loud.

He must have had an extra dose of stimulants last night. He shit posted until 3am and is already up at 8am posting and calling in to the Newsmax morning show.

I still think the Arizona call was dubious, they fundamentally misunderstood where the outstanding votes would come from.

Imagine this shit show in 2 years. We’re sleepwalking towards a complete disaster. It won’t be a couple dozen boomers with signs, there will be private armies outside these ballot counting locations.

The great American patriot, Kash Patel, who is defeating the Fake News Media and taking on the corrupt government in the DC swamp, is launching a sequel to his best-selling children’s book—The Plot Against the King: 2,000 Mules! This new book uncovers the story of a Rigged Election. Exclusively launching on Truth Social. This is a must-read for every child in America!

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a sequel to his best-selling children’s book—The Plot Against the King: 2,000 Mules! This new book uncovers the story of a Rigged Election.

legit spat out my coffee

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Ah yes, teach kids about how kings are elected.


I’ve read as you age you can function with less and less sleep. 3-5 hours might actually be plenty for him.