The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

lol that cannon judge is going to be an accessory at this rate

This is the kind of shit that makes me lmfao! As if the DoJ hadn’t already thought of this or Ivana’s grave months ago. Please… :roll_eyes:

Another reason to charge him is that he is an absolute lock to commit another dozen felonies responding.


I’m really starting to agree with whoever said the main issue is that whoever brings the charges and the judge/jury involved will have to fear for their lives. It’s beyond pathetic that we’ve let it come to this.

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

lol “exceptionally moving tribute”

Oh, it’s Daily Mail

Lol at that URL. “Donald Trump pays”


Haha you beat me to it.…



I’ve been beating that drum for a while. If any of us were honest with ourselves we wouldn’t risk the lives of our family members to probably unsuccessfully prosecute Trump.

Mueller is a stone cold loser but he doesn’t have to fear for his life either. Thinking that didn’t come into play with how he handled it just isn’t being honest about the situation. How could you really blame him either.

Like you said the fact we have let it come to this is the real problem and it is likely irreversible without something even more terrible than J6 happening if it even is.

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That’s fine and all, sure we can empathize with not wanting to take that risk but it’s their job. It’s like the Uvalde cops standing around jerking off while kids were trapped in the classroom with the gunman. Don’t take the fucking job if you aren’t comfortable with the risk. From the attorney general on down, do the god damn job or step aside and let someone else do it. Fuck this shit.


RFK, MLK, Malcolm X and many other more recent examples all say hi. I get your point but there is real risk for people willing to stand up to fascist white America. Not wanting to take that on is both reasonable and maybe yes means you shouldn’t be a high level prosecutor.

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Also I am the biggest “Dems are in on it” stan here. What i really mean is they act in their own self interest. This is the same thing. I’m not defending it really. It just is how it is.

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If you work up the MAGAs into a froth so that anyone on the other side is in danger whether they prosecute or not, would they charge Trump because they are safer with him convicted, so that it’s a freeroll to go to trial?

I mean my parents spent a couple years protesting this guys abortion clinic:

He was finally killed at his church on Sunday morning by people with similar views. Would it have been rational for him to be scared? Rational to quit?

I don’t have much sympathy for these cheesedick coward lawbro asshole prosecutors. They ruin lives without a second thought all the fucking time. If you can’t do your job, get another one. Hiding behind lawbro bullshit is just awful.


What if I told you I don’t like prosecutors either?

My point is we sit around wondering why nothing ever happens to Donald. The reason why is obvious imo.

Also I know you know this but prosecutor’s offices are full of the people who couldn’t get a better job out of law school and use it as a stepping stone to a lawyer mill or a higher/elected government job

I hear you, it has to be a factor. But if AOC and Ilhan Omar can take the heat some 60 year old white guy can too. I’m sympathetic but step aside. Look at the Atlanta DA. These women of color have 100x the courage.


I totally agree they SHOULD fwiw.

Then I guess Cheney, Hutchinson, and Bowers all have bigger balls than Garland or you for that matter. C’mon, it’s their fucking job!

Edit: I don’t mean that as an insult. I give you the credit that you’d honor your oath and do your job or not take the job in the first place

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Isn’t it even possible that giving everyone involved more opportunity to incriminate themselves, commit additional crimes, and find out wtf other crimes are in the offing (perhaps most important) is a reasonable law enforcement strategy?