The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

He looks Photoshopped into this one, the fuck is with that coat?

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Heā€™s arrested on any charges means you win is the thought from my end

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not everyone with these disorders is violent, this is such an innaccurate stereotype



Poor Melania. What a vacuous fucking whore.


she brought attention to cyberbullying by claiming she herself is the most cyberbullied person on the planet. even though nobody thinks about her at all ever and sheā€™s ugly and her clothes look cheap and if she died no one would miss her


:+1: Thanks. Thatā€™s what I intended as well. Neither of us can really lose since itā€™s going to charity, but Iā€™m sure weā€™re both rooting for me :grin:

Btw I heard today that the DoJ thinks he STILL might be in possession of documents! If so, it would mean heā€™s deliberately breaking the law by hiding them and obstructing. Letā€™s see him wiggle his way outta this! :joy::joy:

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Odds that Trump is ordered to pay for the Special Master, he doesnā€™t do it, and Master refuses to turn over the final report until they get paid?

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And then Trump claims itā€™s a deep state conspiracy to hide the truth, which he has repeatedly authorized them to release, and Fox News and the right wing media run wild with it.

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seems like a huge win for trump since this would just waste a shitton of time

Trumpā€™s special master proposals seem less insane than expected. I doubt the Jones Day guy has clearance, not sure how thatā€™d work.

this huck dude definitely looks like a slappy, the other trump suggestion seems suspiciously normie. I suspect weā€™re looking at special master huck being introduced on monday.

He was one of the judges who approved an FBI and DOJ request to surveil Carter Page, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, as part of the federal inquiry into whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

tRUmp pick

I guess I misunderstood when you said dangerous.

I think these disorders are far far more common than people realize and I donā€™t believe all narcissists/ASPD are malignant.

That is an argument that gets made, yes.


Quoted directly, in their own words and without editing or redacting from this persons article:

ā€œAnd the three most frequent armchair diagnoses made for Trump ā€” narcissistic personality disorder, delusional disorder, and dementia ā€” are all badly misinformed.
Trump is an undisputed poster boy for narcissism. He demonstrates in pure form every single symptom described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, which I wrote in 1978.ā€



The big gotcha is that itā€™s not a disorder because although he is unquestionably causing grave harm to others, Trump himself seems to be doing just fine! QED


NPD is somewhat self regulating for most people because eventually they collide with reality. Not so for Trump.