The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



We can at least get some joy out of Trumpā€™s henchmen getting got.

Iā€™ve actually got a really hard spot in my heart for Steve Bannon. I hope every bad thing possible happens to him.


Bolton has described Trumpā€™s document acquisition process. Basically, briefers brief, Trump says "Oh, thatā€™s interesting!ā€ and talks briefer into leaving it or he just stuffs it into a pocket. Briefer caves.

But documents are tracked and nobody is stupid enough to take that kind of fall for Trump. The fact that he kept them would be recorded and he would be responsible for them. If itā€™s true they stopped briefing him well no fucking wonder.

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Maybe this is them getting back at him.

*they will have to kill me firstā€


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Also imo someone is trying to force Garland to move by leaking the nuke stuff.

Gotta be Hunter


dunno who this guy is but hes probably wondering how he got himself into this situation

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So Iā€™m assuming the thread title is German for ā€œThe Trumpbot, The!ā€


My answer is ā€œit can only be Jaredā€ given how heā€™s, uh, looking around to see if anyone is paying attention to him while everyone else is intently watching Syrians eat cruise missiles.

The fired FBI Agent who was walked out of the FBI Headquarters Building two weeks ago, and who said, falsely, to Facebook and the Media that the Laptop from Hell was Russian Disinformation, has been a greater source in convincing people that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged than even the tapes of millions of ballots being stuffed into the voting machines - ā€œ2000 Mules.ā€So they spy on my campaign, Rigged & Stole the Election, and go after me for doing nothing wrong. Only in America!!!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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Wilbur Ross looks like Tales From The Crypt guy if you zoom in on him.


Trump really shouldnā€™t go beyond 180 characters. Itā€™s like a sprinter trying to run a 5k.


Do they give out nobel prize for attempted insurrection?


Itā€™s actually kind of funny how Trumpbot barges in here and disrupts everything while people are trying to have a conversation.


Itā€™s been a decade of tweeting/pravdaing, has anyone analyzed his capitalization tendencies?

I know it doesnā€™t matter, but I assumed some grammar Nazis would have taken an interest in him even if just by mistaken association.

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if i was going to single out someone, itā€™d be spicey

What amazes me about these ā€œI wonā€™t be part of groupthinkā€ people is by always taking the opposite stance youā€™re still letting the group think for you. I feel like this antivaxxer mentality summarized.

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Wow! Really big T.V. & Streaming Ratings at the Rally last Saturday night in Pennsylvania. The overflow crowd was amazing! Thousands of people not able to get into the Arena. New Arena attendance record set. Biden had almost no crowd, but the Fake News never says that, or never shows an overlay comparison. MAGA has NEVER been stronger! Very cool & professional coverage by Newsmax, especially the two hours of pre-speech. Rumble, as always, was great! Next Rally in Ohio in 9 days, Saturday Night.

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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