The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Not now, but they’ve had nuclear power for a long time and many really intelligent scientists. They could probably get it if they wanted and had a few years. Unsure on their reactor types and if they produce plutonium or not.

It’s most likely Iran imo, I subscribe to the theory the nuclear related documents are most likely going to be related to the JCPA


Pretty good guess, but I also wouldn’t rule out selling our knowledge of Russian nuclear capabilities back to Russia.

How many copies of each of these documents exist in SCIF safes?

Isn’t Israel the only country that does not officially have nuclear capabilities that we supplied to them? It could also be Iran on North Korea and not even god knows what he might so with those.

Just now John Brennan was on MSNBC and was saying how these documents would be stored in a SCIF and would have to be signed out by someone if they were brought over to the WH for a briefing or whatever. Then Trump would have to demand to keep the documents, likely over the objections of those responsible for them (lol). He also said Trump would’ve had to squirrel them away to the residence because places like the Oval Office are swept nightly for stuff that could’ve been left out.

The sheer volume of documents he had at MAL indicates that he did this all the time, if that was in fact his preferred method for stockpiling documents. It seems like all the people who signed these documents out, and were responsible for them, would immediately report that Trump was keeping them, yes? Would not at least one person be like, “hey, there seems to be a pattern here of POTUS personally keeping every highly classified nuclear secret”? I’m still baffled how he accomplished this. Everyone just clams up because big bad red face Trump will yell and scream? It’s Keystone Cops in charge of our most closely held secrets, apparently.

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Every. Time.

Has to be at least related to the fact that Trump can instantly fire anyone in any administrative agency. Lol


What I’m really asking here is how many copies are there of any one particular top secret document locked away in some SCIF? Like what is the information / data storing and archiving strategy on this stuff?

This whole line of thinking has just a shitload of confidence in structure/norms/etc in the Trump Whiteouse. Wayyyyyy more than I do.


Yeah I have no idea and haven’t heard anything about that. I would hope they would have to document and monitor any copies made. They probably have all kinds of strict controls when they’re in the SCIF, and now they’ve been stashed in coat closets at MAL where anyone could peel off from the Palm Beach GOP Pancake Breakfast and snap a few cell phone pics.

Every single presidential action that relied on any kind of norm or integrity of the office holder needs to be restructured or made law

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Trump on phone to State Dept. Intelligence Officer: Hey (aide whispers name) Frank. Are you going to be giving the briefing this afternoon?

Frank: Yes Mr. President. I’m just putting the finishing touches on the briefing materials.

Trump. Goddam it Frank. I told you I hate goddam briefing materials. Boil it down to one page that tells me what I need to know to make the final decision.

Frank: Um, yes Mr. President. Okay Mr. President. What final decision? Today we will be briefing you on a piece of new surveillance equipment that Congress doesn’t know about.

Trump: Sounds boring Frank. Jesus, do you guys ever think about what I want to talk about?

Frank: The briefing was approved by Mr. Kushner.

Trump: Mr. Kushner? What the fuck does he have to do with this?

Frank: Mr. Jared Kushner has authorized today’s briefing.

Trump: Oh, that nerd? He couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a fist full of fifties.

Frank. Yes Mr. Presdient.

Trump: It’s okay Frank. I’ll let it slide this time.

Frank: Thanks?

Trump: And Frank, I want you to do me a special favor.

Frank: Yes Mr. President?

Trump: A personal favor.

Frank: Yes Mr. President.

Trump: You know those top-secret materials you talked about in last week’s briefing?

Frank: I am not exactly sure which briefing you are referring to? I have been out of the country for a month and just got back yesterday.

Trump: You know what I mean. The briefing about the Middle East.

Frank: Okay? We’ve had several briefings covering the Middle East. Could you narrow it down some for me?

Trump: Goddam it Frank. The briefing when I fell asleep!

Frank: Could you narrow it down some more?

Trump: It was about nuclear capabilities of Middle East countries. How many nukes each country has, where they store the nukes, where they make the nukes. You know, that sort of thing.

Frank: Yes Mr. President. I am familiar with those materials.

Trump: Listen carefully, Frank, and don’t go blabbing this to anybody else at State, okay?

Frank: Okay Mr. President.

Trump: You support Mr. 45, don’t you Frank?

Frank: Mr. 45?

Trump: Me. Mr. 45. Everybody calls me that.

Frank: Everybody?

Trump: So do you support me or are you a fucking Democrat?

Frank: I support you sir.

Trump: I support you Mr. 45?

Frank: I support you Mr. 45.

Trump: Okay, glad you’re on board Frank.

Frank: Thank you sir.

Trump: You know what favor you could do for Mr. 45, a personal favor to good ole Mr. 45.

Frank: Tell me sir.

Trump: After today’s briefing ends, hang around for a few minutes afterward.

Frank: Okay.

Trump: And when nobody else is in the room, hand me those materials on the nuclear capabilities of those Middle East countries.

Frank: Um.

Trump: Jesus Frank, I’m just asking one little favor. Just bring the materials on just one fucking Middle East country.

Frank: And that country would be?

Trump: Goddam Israel. You know those fucking Jews.

Frank: Mr. President, I’m not sure …

Trump: Good talking to you Frank. I gotta run. I’ve got an important international leader waiting for me on the other phone. I’ll expect to see you at 3:00 sharp and don’t forget to bring the youknowhat.

Frank: Um, Mr. Pres …




Some of it, like the handling of classified documents, IS law. And yet!





Lmao this is the picture for the Wikipedia entry of SCIF. See if you can spot the ODD MAN OUT in this photo. Those chairs are dreadful.

Bannon in that photo. What a complete clusterfuck of humanity.


The arena was cheaper during those hours

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