The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I didn’t say they were. Just said that’s the move.

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If it was Ukraine they need to hang him yesterday


If everyone just looks at everything Trump-related through the lens of “he is 100% above the law”, it makes it easier to understand every story.

LOL Garland took 3 weeks to authorize the search warrant lolololololol complete banana republic shit

Let’s play the “if Obama” game

Jesus Christ

Some of the seized documents detail top-secret U.S. operations so closely guarded that many senior national security officials are kept in the dark about them. Only the president, some members of his Cabinet or a near-Cabinet-level official could authorize other government officials to know details of these special-access programs, according to people familiar with the search, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive details of an ongoing investigation.

Documents about such highly classified operations require special clearances on a need-to-know basis, not just top-secret clearance. Some special-access programs can have as few as a couple dozen government personnel authorized to know of an operation’s existence. Records that deal with such programs are kept under lock and key, almost always in a secure compartmented information facility, with a designated control officer to keep careful tabs on their location.

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Handle with kid gloves.

If Obama did it? Warm up the firing squad.

Among the 100-plus classified documents taken in August, some were marked “HCS,” a category of highly classified government information that refers to “HUMINT Control Systems,” which are systems used to protect intelligence gathered from secret human sources, according to a court filing. A partially unsealed affidavit said documents found in the boxes that were sent to the National Archives in January related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. There was also material that was never meant to be shared with foreign nations.

Well it’s not like this stuff was likely to be related to Putin’s hat size or whatever. Totally unsurprising.

Ukraine doesn’t have nuclear capabilities. There aren’t many countries this could actually be. None of them are good.

Heavy favorite here is selling Israel’s nuclear defense capabilities to Saudi Arabia. That’s probably in addition to whatever he gave Putin.


I was thinking Israel too.

Maybe it will be that Trump gave Israel’s nuclear secrets to SA or some other country and Israel will have Trump offed in retribution.


I have to think the top intelligence people in all these countries already know what happened? God this fucking guy, he will probably get off because it is so bad it can’t be disclosed publicly.

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I’m no foreign policy expert, but I sure wouldn’t want to get on Mossad’s bad side.


I’d normally say that about the CIA, but it looks like Trump burned all of their agents and they don’t seem to be doing anything about it.


I thought I remembered reading they literally stopped giving him the actual briefings like 6 months in so that’s possible!