The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Not only did the FBI steal my Passports in the FBI Raid and Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, but it has just been learned through court filings that they also improperly took my complete and highly confidential medical file and history, with all the bells and whistles (at least they’ll see that I’m very healthy, an absolutely perfect physical specimen!), plus personal Tax Records (Illegal to take), and lawyer/client/privileged information, a definite NO, NO. Days of the Soviet Union!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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Seems extreme

Holy hell was it always this deranged? I feel like it’s getting worse?

Lol referring to himself as an absolutely perfect physical specimen. And people lap it up. It’s seriously weird shit.

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Not sure it’s getting worse.

We’ve just been sheltered from most of his ramblings for over a year.

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If this were the Soviet Union, ole Donnie would have fallen out of a window by now.

He doesn’t actually believe this, it’s part of the “flood the zone” rhetorical style where he can say batshit stuff and some people totally buy in and others tell themselves he’s kidding/exaggerating.

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Important to understand that a lot of Trumpers understand perfectly well that he’s bullshitting constantly. Guys like awval are in on the gag more than you might think.


He’s down to just Newsmax covering his speeches live. He’s simply pathetic. It’s absurd that he gets as much support as he does. But like it’s always been, if the racism is strong, nothing else matters. And I guess the racism is still really strong.

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This is bigger than antivaxxer stuff. It’s an extremely common logical fallacy where people notice that the smartest people around are skeptical of ideas that don’t have adequate data / evidence, and they get discombobulated and think that the very act of questioning something is proof of intelligence.


I think it’s worse because he doesn’t have a character limit anymore (assuming that’s true of Truth). Amazing to learn that his full crazy was actually constrained by Twitter.

Trump was always like this, y’all just forgot. The expanded character limit just lets grandpa ramble on for a bit longer.


I forget whose joke I’m stealing here, but most people really shouldn’t try to think outside the box. The box is literally there to protect them. It takes an enormous amount of knowledge and experience to successfully think outside the box usually.


I have to admit the fact that there has been more than enough evidence to haul him away for quite some time now, is concerning for my position. I’m basically gambling that his actions had to have so compromised the safety of human assets around the world and/or other countries’ national security, that the DoJ needs needs to let this play out some more so as not to tip their hand in evaluating future potential damage, I can imagine clandestine sting operations currently in place to intercept, prevent, and recover sensitive information (not to mention discovering and possibly apprehending other bad actors). It could be that by giving the public the perception he may never be caught, helps with this

Admittedly, this is well beyond the scope of my armchair QB opinions and I don’t actually knowing anything. But either these agencies are playing 5th dimensional chess, or Trump truly is above the law. Any other human being would be under the jail by now

yeah he’s definitely getting worse. at the rate he’s going he’ll be completely incoherent by 2024.

thinking we may see a return of MUELLER TIME for the special master, he’s got the clearance, the DOJ would not object, and Trump is dumb enough to think Mueller is on his side (and he’s run off just about everyone who is smart enough to realize that Mueller only held back in his report because he earnestly believed a sitting president could not be indicted and that it was congress’s job to reign him in)

Nah, I’d say both are about equally likely.

Robert “he didn’t hand over direct evidence of crimes along with a signed confession so there’s nothing I can do” Mueller

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People are concerned or whatever about the latest leak confirming nuclear secrets were part of Trump’s stash. The leak is unlikely to be from team Trump, although Trump’s rat fears could be real. DOJ is possible. But maybe it just comes from whoever gave them to Trump in the first place. That person would have known how important they were, knew Trump had them, and might well have faced consequences when they were never returned. “I gave them to X” is not a good defense.

Well I hope they at least got a receipt or something.

Sure, it must be hard to say no to the president. Like if Trump says, “I like that watch you’re wearing! Can I get a closer look?” So you hand it to him and he says, “Yeah, I like it. Why don’t you just leave it here with me?” That would be awkward but you probably aren’t going to wrestle the president to get your watch back so you leave watchless.

If it’s top secret nuclear documents though, there are rules. You take these papers, you best not come back empty handed. You can’t physically force Trump to part with them so maybe you can’t win in that situation. But now you can get even.