The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Are these people on law twitter simply this fucking dumb or is there some other angle here?

I remember in highschool sometime for me, they raised the minimum age of retirement a LOT - and I had a coworker that was about to retire. I said absent mindedly “oh man it sucks they pushed back when you can collect that” and he explained no, it was only for people my age. And I said wait what the fuck? I can’t even fucking vote yet, you prick.

And yet he’s the busiest most workiest hardest bestest president ever! Somehow he can rage liveblog FNC from the can, but also be hard at work!



There are roughly 60-70m DemE rubes who it makes feel better and it’s easy bait to put out for follows/likes.

Been my experience with lawyers (professionally and at law school) in Australia too - utterly beholden to, and worshipping of, a system that made them (and often more importantly their families) rich. Can’t think of a more establishment profession down under.

Besides money the other thing lawyers have going on that prevents them from seeing reality is that a lot of them put their entire self worth in the fact that they are a lawyer. The amount of failson types in law school is also off the charts. If you admit that it is all bullshit then where does that leave you?


Yep 100%, loads of people I know were desperate to become lawyers for virtually their entire lives. Saw it as a prestigious calling rather than 80% (being nice) parasitic.

Trump famously has no respect for lawyers or the law, and yet there are lawyers and judges who take his side even if it makes them look ridiculous because of what?

Fear of the consequences plus a lot literally have a lifetime appointment because of him.

Side story - I started out doing criminal defense in OKC. The judges were AWFUL. Just insanely biased and horrible. Then i realized the two bankruptcy judges in OKC were appointed by Obama (after I started practicing bankruptcy law so it wasn’t really a decision point) and the rest is history. They are two extremely smart women, who are fair and good judges and are a pleasure to practice in front of.

I can’t imagine arguing cases in front of an incompetent Trump judge. I think you guys really underappreciate how bad it is that 30% of all federal judges are incompetent MAGA types.


Literally impossible unless the US is actually in a state of declared war. Historically the framers were worried about frivolous treason charges (which were a problem under colonial rule) so they made treason a very narrowly defined offense.

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I mean, the real answer is they can’t charge Trump with treason because the former host of NBC’s The Apprentice is above the law in the world’s oldest democracy.


(video TRUTH)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Just gold

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yea I’ve played this out way too many times in my RL for it to be funny anymore. they always spit out some garbled nonsense when the mental gymnastics are disrupted and gladly go back to tucker who makes them feel good. not so fun when you have relatives like that.

I was going to click like until I got to Flagstaff. Afaik that’s not a maga hotbed.


Yeah, one of my irl bros finds this whole thing depressing AF.

He also still believes in the system. Haven’t spoken to him since special master ruling, but I doubt that was the last straw.

They have options to extend by adding cash to the trust. However, it’s just 6 months so the SEC investigation could run out the clock.

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