The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

‘They won’t actually support a coup” is a pretty low bar though. And it’s not even clear they won’t support a coup in a closer election.

I literally have more respect for people who think qanon is real than people who think the court will hold trump accountable for anything. That’s not hyperbole.




Although I feel bad for the lawbros. Imagine your entire field and everything you have ever done can be instantly unravelled with a simple “but nah” from a former realty tv star.

It’s like being a physicist and learning that general relativity no longer applied because that guy from Jersey Shore wanted to be able to float.


Anyone seen @Cactus around, or did his head just explode?

Of course


Good thing a huge percentage of lawyers are very cynical about their profession. Probably a higher percentage than the general public imo.

Once you have any meaningful exposure to litigation it is basically impossible to take the law seriously.

“This wasn’t a Raid of President Trump’s home, this was a State sanctioned burglary. He has been a target for the Democrats since 2015, and he is leading by a lot in all of the polls.” Dr. Sebastian Gorka

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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Honestly I would be surprised if most of the judges he appointed were Trump sycophants rather than bog standard Fed Soc stooges. Trump didn’t have the attention span to give two shits about all the small judges. He was just picking off a list Fed Soc was giving him and their priority definitely was not selecting Trump loyalists.


There is no difference. Fed soc and maga are synonyms.

They aren’t.

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Actually from a legal perceptive fed soc members are worse. They actively hate the law, believe it is only a means to end, and happily make up shit wholecloth if they want to advance some aim. See the super popular state legislation doctrine which every fed soc member is masturbating to daily.


It’s ok guys, relax, apparently we got him. THIS IS IMPORTANT

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That might be the single most insufferable lol law account on all of twitter.


Seeing lots of this. LOLOLOLOL


Would not be the least bit surprised if Melania was appointed the special master.

On the one hand, this thing could take forever

This but in rainbow scrolling text.

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We have been playing this fucking game for literally over SIX YEARS twitter lawbros. Come the fuck on.


Remember when he was President and he was still Tweeting just as furiously as this?