The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Presumably the “special master” has to be somebody who already has a god-level security clearance, right?

I’m just wondering how many people even exist that tick all the boxes for this job including being available and presumptively neutral. Hunter Biden went to law school, right?

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Now that the FBI and DOJ have been caught in a massive and determinative Election Rigging Scam, are they going to change the results of the 2020 Presidential Election? They should!!!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Trumpbot is relentless.

I can’t believe this bs system

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Skipping the entire day’s posts ahead but expecting the courts to hold Trump accountable just isn’t based in reality. There are way too many Trump appointed or Trump adjacent judges to ever let that happen. Even the state courts in a lot of states are totally filled with moronic right wing judges.

If you somehow avoid that you still need a unanimous jury. And you also need Garland/DOJ/some prosecutor to be willing to actually move forward in some way that has consequences.

Hitting the Kentucky Derby superfecta is more likely by several orders of magnitude.

I mean he appointed a huge % of the federal judges in the country and they are mostly complete incompetent loyalists. That’s worse than this special master shit that doesn’t matter at all because LOL DEMS LOL GARLAND.

They’re getting closer

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( truth (lol) | raw text )

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I think this is the right place for the Trump bot.

If we contained the bot elsewhere, the post presidency Trump discussion would just move there.

Just put the bot on ignore if it’s better for your sanity

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I liked it better when they were de facto screened. ie posted when significant.


He didn’t appoint that many. He only had 4 years. He just had a disproportionate number of Supreme Court appointments.

I think one of the hardest things about being a millenial/gen x is realizing at an adult age that everything you were ever told was a lie. The people slightly older than us knew it because Vietnam. The people slightly younger than us knew it because of the internet.

But the people graduating high school in the 90s were fully indoctrinated with DARE, 9/11, and the rest of the USA #1 bullshit. So it’s especially jarring to find out the world we were told we were growing up in was totally fake. For people older than us they realized this and decided to just rape and pillage as much for themselves as they could (boomers) and for the gen z and younger crowd they have always known this.


There are only 670 total federal district judges. He appointed over 25% of the current ones. There are 179 appeals court judges. He appointed just under a third of them. He appointed enough judges to control the supreme court.

It’s fantasy to think the federal court system is going to hold him accountable. Appeal until you hit a Trump judge/judges. It’s inevitable. Pretending like that isn’t reality is just wishcasting at this point.


Also the link you posted talks about how Trump appointed almost as many judges as Bush and Obama in half the time. Trump appointed more judges per year than anyone since Carter. So it’s a very weird article to make your point. The graphic they use is this:

I was enjoying the bot a lot more when it looked for a millisecond like he might actually have to work a little to get away with it.

And this

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Frankly the twitter lawbros/MSNBC hope minions are as much of a problem as anything. If people had any clue where we are really at there might be some hope of a movement for the better but your average Dem voter thinks things are pretty much ok as is.


You guys have short memories, Same as it ever was.


Look WAAF etc etc but at the very least these same exact trump appointed judges told Rudy and Sydney to pound sand 60 times, 18 months ago. Doubt that will really change in 26 months.