The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

This does feel different though ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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No. There is no line. We are dead. We died when the earth exploded some years ago. Of course, it was an event so heinous and instantaneous that none of us remember it. This is not real life. This is real after-life.


Grab em by the pussy felt different.
Charlottesville felt different.
Don Jr. E-mails with Russia felt different.
Cohen flipping on him felt different.
Ukraine extortion felt different.
Jan 6 felt different.

They always feel different and end up the same. I agree this is the first time DOJ has been heavily involved, which I guess matters more than just public opinion in some cases, but still I see far too many scenarios where his lawyer gets a slap on the wrist and Trump gets off with a warning.


And there’s so many more. His campaign was supposed to be over when he attacked John McCain for being a POW. Then he attacked a “gold star” family. Then he made fun of that reporter for being disabled. Etc. Etc.

Normal people (including journalists) said you just can’t be president if you’re a crass stupid jerk who lies all the time. But half the country was like “maybe this is just what we need!” and here we are.


Obligatory Douglas Adams quote: “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”


Is this the first time he’s been dead to rights as a non president?

Im still rocking the WAAF badge but man. It feels different.

I always harken back to the “shake things up” line. We want somebody who’s gonna “shake things up” whatever the fuck that means. I dunno. I guess we know now. Things seem pretty well-shook.


  1. The Insurrection felt different;
  2. The Ukraine blackmail felt different;
  3. The Mueller appointment felt different.

I’m old enough to remember the controversy when he called Mexican Immigrants rapists.


Let’s not forget to give him props for countering that with “and some, I assume, are good people”.


When they first served the warrant some Trumpkins claimed the FBI was planting evidence. I rolled my eyes just like the rest of you. Then I noticed that 33 books were listed in the inventory. No way that mfer has ever read that many books.


I just want to know if the very old copy of the 2015 sports almanac was in their.


While they do so, marshals patrol up and down the center aisle, eyeing anyone holding a phone with suspicion. At one point, they dramatically shout the name of a reporter a few rows back. Instructing her to collect her belongings, they remove her from the courtroom. “She tweeted,” someone whispers fearfully.

It later turns out that both victims are innocent. The wrongly accused are two CNN reporters, Kara Scannell and Tierney Sneed, the network reveals in a letter to the court. In Sneed’s case, CNN says, the marshals mistakenly assumed that she was “transmitting from the courtroom” after her editor published a pre-written story under her name during the hearing.


Reached for comment, Senator Susan Collins said, “This time, I really do think he’s finally learned his lesson.”

Then we launch all our lawnmowers into orbit.


This really is the quintessential WorstPersonYouKnow…
( twitter | raw text )


Might you even say he… committed obstruction of justice? :vince2:


Some Russian Oligarchs properties in NY and FLA were searched yesterday.

C’mon missing documents from Trump

One time dealer. An actual treason charge. That isn’t too much to ask?


That woman seems to be in a lot of these “Fox News guest doesn’t give the answer they’re hoping for” clips. Or maybe I’m thinking if the other blond woman.

“And yes I’ll be voting for Donald Trump in 2024”


The oligarchs are probably way too smart to keep the confidential docs. They would document them and destroy