The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

electric chainsaw. noice.

The chainsaw is one thing but the Louis Vuitton strap really puts it on another level.


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Bullshit. His clearance should have been deactivated when he left his job and wouldn’t be reinstated unless he’s currently doing government work that requires it. I don’t think defending FPOTUS crimes qualifies.

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In the Supreme Court there is a motto, “Equal justice under law.” Trump’s motion even being considered is not equal justice. Trump not being arrested is not equal justice.

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All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.


He has to be making this up. Even if Trump somehow has a clearance (lol), a former president who’s no longer working for the govt in any way can’t possibly have a valid need to know whatever the heck is in those 300+ Top Secret documents.

Oh come on that is not a real name.


I’d believe IM Lying over Jim Trusty.


I count 106 classified/secret. I don’t why there are so many empty folders labeled classified/secret. We’re the docs found from those folders or is that indication there is a lot more confi/secret material someplace else?

It’s because Trump is a slob who doesn’t return the docs back to their proper folders and leaves everything in a great jumbled mess.

Or he moved / destroyed them

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During this recess, Trump’s counsel, heads bowed, rifle through the pages of the status report. While they do so, marshals patrol up and down the center aisle, eyeing anyone holding a phone with suspicion. At one point, they dramatically shout the name of a reporter a few rows back. Instructing her to collect her belongings, they remove her from the courtroom. “She tweeted,” someone whispers fearfully.

Off to the gulag

Anybody ever consider that maybe Trump just needed file folders? I’ve been known to repurpose a folder that contained random manuals from 1992 so that I can keep my kids’ report cards neat and in one place for a single quarter of the school year.


I do wonder if Trump is just misreading the covers of these as “classy documents”


Seriously how does he not go to jail for this. This has to cross the line.

Meme is nearly 6 years old and has still never missed.
