The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


Got ‘em

What did Maggie do, read Betrayal? This information has been out there for months.


So Rudy was actually the hero all along? Rudy Giuliani and Dan Quayle, the unsung saviors of our democracy.

Mr. Giuliani was vehemently opposed to the idea of the military taking part in the seizure of machines, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Trump summoned Mr. Giuliani to the Oval Office, according to one person familiar with the matter. When Mr. Giuliani read the draft order, he told Mr. Trump that the military could be used only if there was clear-cut evidence of foreign interference in the election.

Ms. Powell, who had spent the past month filing lawsuits claiming that China and other countries had hacked into voting machines, said she had such evidence, the person said. But Mr. Giuliani was adamant that the military should not be mobilized, the person said, and Mr. Trump ultimately heeded his advice.

The source is most likely Rudy himself attempting some degree of damage control.

But surely the NYT wouldn’t credulously report Rudy’s account without corroboration like a bunch of stenographers.

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Seems like he’s trying to tone down the language by moving away from “overturn the election.”

Good thing you can put toothpaste back in the tube.

“The Unselect Committee” - what a fucking child … again.

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I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole Nancy Pelosi security thing. On the one hand, Trump won’t admit to inspiring the insurrection, while at the same time insisting that Pelosi should have seen it coming? Seems like a very weak effort to deflect.

And yeah, he’s definitely trying to fix his language on overturning an election. And yeah, it doesn’t matter. The overriding problem is that it seems impossible to put an ex-President in jail for any number of crimes without it seeming “political”. Even though its completely criminal. So really, he can just say whatever he wants.

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He doesn’t care about the contradiction. His cult doesn’t care about the contradiction. The end.


This is such a huge reminder that as bad as things are, they could have been worse

Correction - things will be worse.

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Not really a correction. Both that and my statement are true

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Trump: Seize the voting machines!

Barr: Sir, this is bullshit.

Trump: Get me voting machines!

DHS: Sir, we don’t have the power to do that.


Trump: Voting machines!

Cashier: Sir, this is a Wendy’s.




Barr not even having to sweat an investigation might piss me off more than Trump’s functional immunity.

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not only that, he’s going to get some fawning praise for not being the worst possible deplorable

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I assume Trump would be ok with Vice President Harris just calling Biden the winner in 2024 even if Biden loses.

That’s why they’re going to storm Congress the right way in 2024 and actually get the VP this time.

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