The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

if he doesn’t run he just gets to keep that right

It doesn’t seem like that’s one of the options but I’m sure Trump has ways of siphoning at least some of the money.

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it can be used for any other lawful purpose besides personal use

man that’s quite the gray area that almost means whatever the hell you want

worst case just buy stuff and sell it for 90 cents on the dollar? see not personal use

His old standard , Fuck You, who’s gonna stop me.

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He can “write” a book and buy a shitload of copies to make it a NYT bestseller, while coincidentally transferring a shit load of money to himself.

Or that.

Sweet Summer Child,
Do you think trump will flee the country before he is indicted? If so to which country?
thnx in advance.

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Good way of getting rid of the potential 5th columnists before the shooting starts :thinking:


strong we got him vibes

It’s pathetic that the MSM does not comprehend that this is an indictment of the legal system’s complete uselessness in holding Trump accountable, nothing else.

There is no “we got him” coming from the legal system. Ever. You goddamn idiot, why do you keep breathlessly reporting on how rock solid a case against Trump there is, and chuckling about how stupid Trump is to admit he did the thing? You’re the butt of the joke here, not Trump.


On a recent Mindscape podcast, a mathematician said “Never bring statistics to a story fight.” Which is good advice, but I don’t think you can choose to not show up to the fight.

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Right. The media keeps laughing at him for confessing, but it’s one of the smartest things Trump does because idiots assume he would never admit to anything that was actually criminal.

The media should be relentlessly hammering away at Merrick Garland, but most Americans have no idea who that is.

Yep. This is con artists 101 stuff. Do that bad stuff out in the open and people will instinctively assume it can’t be that bad because if it was bad then you’d obviously hide it.

working hard! thank you!


talking to the federalist society i see. of course they don’t believe a single person can do that. they know that the president must be picked by a majority of five on scotus. :man_facepalming:

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