The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

No wonder they don’t indict, I mean how could they ever prove intent?

christ this dude is such a walking indictment of the judicial system, freely admit guilt to everything and they still don’t get around to charging him with anything

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Susan Collins just said Biden’s SC promise was improper because he said it while campaigning so I’m sure she’ll be logically consistent and finally hold Trump accountable for promising pardons while campaigning. We’ve got him for sure now.

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For everyone’s own sanity do yourself a favor and never watch a Sunday news show “interview.”

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Super glad I don’t watch the news.

I let Riverman take years off of his life for me.

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Trump released lists of who he would nominate as part of the campaign. Just lol at the fucking hypocrisy.

Was sipping coffee as I started to read that and literally almost spit it out after the first four words :joy:


Big if true

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No rush guys

They might as well hang it up at this pace. Maybe if they come out and agree with Trump they can make a play for the moderate insurrectionist vote.

They’ve blundered Jan 6 to the point that it’s now Russiagate 2.0.

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Ivanka will be so beautiful and classy that they won’t have the heart to ask her tough questions.

Yup, it’s now approaching commonly accepted fact amongst at least half the country that it was just a protest, mostly very peaceful and beautiful, etc, etc.

Justice for Ashli! #neverforget

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The whole Jan 6 Commission was a horrible idea from the start.

Highly respected Dinesh D’Souza


If somebody receives a presidential pardon, can you still call him a convicted felon? Or do we have to pretend like it never happened?

By the way, ask the average American, and Dinesh D’Souza is highly respected.

Most won’t have heard of him and once you mention Dartmouth and NYT bestsellers, that’s that, he’s highly respected.

This is just another way of pointing out how fucked we are.

I never highly respected him, but there was a time I thought he wasn’t a evil idiot.

Probably ~25 yrs ago. In my defense, I was younger and dumber then.

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