The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Voted no on the indictment because these things seem to just go away somehow. It makes no sense, but I have a real feeling we may never really hear from DOJ on this matter again. It really seems like they were just trying to quietly get back top secret sci documents without anyone ever knowing Trump had them even though a normal person would have been locked up immediately. It still feels like there’s a path here where this story sort of disappears from the news cycle. Maybe the DOJ is prattling about in the background for years on this until Trump or Desantis is in charge and they kill it entirely.


The most likely indictments stemming from this raid at this point are Garland and Biden in 2025. Garland can indict him to prevent that, but appears to be planning not to. Biden can beat him to prevent that, but he’s got some serious presidenting to do to make that likely.

Just love how the taking point is that the FBI staged that photo to make it look like Trump just left them laying out on the floor.

Capital punishment for anyone claiming this.

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Voted no but I am starting to think maybe it is possible he gets got here. He is totally dead to rights on this one. I’d put it at 10% indicted/90% not indicted at this point.

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I’m a solid yes, they’ve been practically doing every single thing possible to prevent him getting indicted and he’s standing there screaming INDICT ME, eventually he’s gonna force their hand. Probably news of a few spies having got killed directly because of him may do it. I have no doubt whatsoever that he got people killed and they know about it.

I really hope it’s today though because I’ll make a chunk of change on a long bet I made a few weeks ago.


I’d think a lot would depend on what evidence they have gathered that is free of any potential* attorney/client priv claims. If, say, you have the lawyers on surveillance footage doing something sketchy or testimony from someone who was clearly not a client, then you might just build an independent case. If, however, you think the prosecution is really going to come down to what Trump said to the lawyers and whether it was reasonable for them to believe him, it gets trickier to hand waive away Trump b/c you probably need to involve him to prove the case.

  • I know there are exceptions to priv when the lawyers are actually doing the criming, so I used potential simply to indicate that it is an issue that will need to be sorted through, but not an impossible one.

Unless it is just Trump and his lawyers the privilege is also waived. If Jared or any other 3rd party was lurking around attorney-client privilige doesn’t exist.




I’m a yes, because any other motherfucker in the world, including 4 star generals, would be doing time for this asap. However, I realize this goes against the last 5 years of experience with Trump, so I’m inclined to hedge. But, the DOJ people have to be like, “I’m 30-0 in more more difficult cases than this, and if we don’t indict here then I’m putting Maggie Haberman on speed dial.”


Donald Trump (Just replace Stab with Indict):


I would like Bobb to be indicted to see her turn on Trump. But she probably wouldn’t and be hoping to delay trial and get an eventual pardon.

I’ve wondered about copies since the beginning. Why didn’t he make copies and return everything? If he did make copies, they could be anywhere.

There’s also that black box thing in the picture. It could be a hard drive. Not that Trump would know how to use it but it hasn’t been specifically identified by the govt afaik.

Making copies of the classified files and then trying to return the copies to the govt as the originals (while everyone knows simply making the copies is a crime), that…is perfect

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I mean its so obvious what’s going to happen, he’ll announce a run for 2024 within a week of midterms being over if not before then and Garland will “well actually indicting a candidate running for president is completely unheard of we can’t be political like that” and that’s it we’re done, see you at the debates if there are any.




Garland started publicizing that they were still following this treasured and vital norm back in May

Here’s my prediction - He is indicted, but when the feds show up at Mar-a-logo they find that everyone there is dressed up in a Trump costume, making service impossible.


I think they need to show spies got killed because Trump disclosed their identities.

Which…probably happened!

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