The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

All this strategizing over timing of the indictment seems like a terrible case of fancy play syndrome. Assuming they have a fuck tone of evidence of serious crimes, like selling spy info or whatever, indict him just as soon as you have prepped a solid case.


Also, spending one second focusing on whether he declassified these documents is a huge fucking mistake. He provided nuclear secrets and spy identities to hostile governments. It doesnā€™t matter whether they were classified or not.

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Well, the serious crime is removing the documents, and then thereā€™s the swearing under oath they were returned. They are probably going to nab his lawyer and get her to flip, when they already have the equivalent of surveillance footage and 10 witnesses saying, ā€œyeah, he pulled out a gun and robbed the liquor storeā€. I mean they donā€™t need anything else. Hand this case to a second year attorney and Trumpā€™s team would be thoroughly outmatched.

They win by being crackheads. The good guys need to start busting some knee caps.

Thatā€™s kind of what Iā€™m getting at. Just do your jobs and go after the man committing obvious crimes and stop worrying about optics of timing or whatever. Any delay past a certain point is going to work in Trumpā€™s favor.

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Itā€™s a stupid norm, too. Ohhhhh a major person in your party committed crimes, well, we better wait until after November so we donā€™t influence the election, because we wouldnā€™t want the voters to have this information and hold that person and their party to account for being fucking criminals, now would we? That might actually disincentivize their criminal conduct!


Reminder the Republican head of the FBI was talking about Hillaryā€™s emails 11 days before the 2016 election.


Jimmy McGill could do it.


Haha I actually made that joke yesterday to a friend. Ivanaā€™s coffin probably stuffed full of top secret lol documents.

Also itā€™s a super clear signal that these crimes arenā€™t actually jeopardizing national security (even if they are in reality).


Yep, itā€™s going to feed right into the right wing narrative. This was all a bit nothing burger and corrupt hack Garland got all political for dirty Biden and OMGRAIDEDOMG a former presidents home, and for what? A few scraps of paper? They didnā€™t even have enough to indict!


oh good god inject this into my veins. fox and friends turning on him has to piss him off. in my opinion theyre gonna start to distance, people can forgive a lot of things but treasons a pretty toxic one and this is looking very very treasony

I would argue that the norm is at least partly based on the principle of presumption of innocence and the idea that you donā€™t want to give the public one-sided information without the other side being able to give a full rebuttal in court.

I could certainly see them going for a sealed indictment that wonā€™t be made public until after the election, if they plan on indicting him.

Fox isnā€™t distancing for that reason. Theyā€™re afraid heā€™s toxic to the party and that heā€™ll lose again.

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true, this wouldn even be the first public treason, lol

They always come back home to daddy, by Friday they will be back to ā€œhes a little sloppy and just wanted some keepsakes, whats the big deal hereā€


That could use a bit more workshopping.

ā€œListen, we all wish Donald Trump would stay off of Twitter and now Truth, weā€™ve known heā€™s a little sloppy and rough around the edges, but we also know that he loves this country. He loves this country so much, in fact, that he just wanted a few keepsakes to remember his time in the White House, fighting to Make America Great Again. Whatā€™s the big deal here? Are we really going to send him to jail for loving America more than any other president ever?ā€


You canā€™t indict him if the evidence is too secret to bring to court. (points at forehead)


Very on brand that his attorney is Ivanka with shorter hair.