The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Slight objection, the cruelty has always been the point, the post-religious right is just open and honest about it while the religious right was pretending.

Sure there are some gullible conservative regular folk that fell for it, but the people in power never gave a shit about religion. It was just a convenient veneer that they no longer need.


Will Trump be indicted?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I’m going to continue assuming that whatever happens will be the dumbest possible scenario.

In this case I think that means that they indict Trump, but they indict him on a small amount of ticky-tack lawyer brain bullshit, so he can claim he’s being persecuted while not facing any real consequences.

mr gorbachev, open this poll


The game theory is so clear here, you have to retaliate massively against a guy like this.

I think maybe that’s starting to dawn on these eggheaded Harvard bros?

Like, a semi-normal person would jump at “dude just go away, you can keep all the money and grift away, you just can’t run for office again.” Trump absolutely would not take that deal, he’s going to rant and rave about rigged elections and incite violence and definitely run again and maybe even win.

Under those circumstances, there is no “well if we go at the king we best not miss” because he’s going to behave the exact same way as he would if you never tried to get him in the first place. Bonus: he will act in the most self-destructive possible way if/when you charge him. Like if they just tap his phone after they indict him he will commit another dozen felonies within a week.

Still voted “no” of course.


I thought no and still think Garland didn’t intend to indict when he authorized the raid. But think Trump has pretty much forced his hand with his insane criminal response to the raid where he has threatened anyone and everyone involved, as well as the country as a whole.

It’s a “if you come at the king you best not miss” but with Garland being the king, rather than Trump. Trump has made it clear that he intends to destroy everyone involved with the case for merely retrieving the documents regardless of what happens from here. DOJ probably had a general fear of the consequences of prosecuting Trump before but they are probably now more scared of the consequences of not prosecuting.

Trump has put them in fight or flight mode, and flight isn’t really a credible option.




Great minds… we both even invoked “if you come at the king…”

The big question in my mind is whether President DeSantis will also be completely untouchable in the way Florida Man is or if you need reality TV cred to truly have that kind of cult power.

I’d say 60-70% he gets indicted but that’s based on feels so confidence is low.

this was probably completely unrelated, probably


I mean this asshole instinctively accused you of planting evidence. The only way to fight that bullshit is to haul his ass into court and make the whole country watch you prove that this dumb, criminal asshole is lying.


The 35% of the country that views him as a White Supremacy Messiah would never ever see the outcome in court. Fox will just not show it and have Tucker Carlson rant about trans pedophiles and HER EMAILS and that’s all they ever see.

If this is true then if gives me hope that we might have a deep state solution to this eventually.

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I have real existential crises sometimes because none of this seems real

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Time to break out the heart attack gun



Lol, that’s weak.

This guy’s just begging to be made an example of.

Oh Noes! Those nasty FBI were all up in Melania’s drawers.

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