The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Lock him up!

Edit: tomorrow should be interesting

Given how Trump is such a non-reader, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the stolen documents are pictorial such as satellite images of foreign military capabilities, pictures of the bodies of terrorists whose deaths were ordered by Trump, and images of foreign leaders engaging in sexy time. Trump doesn’t seem like the type to steal written reports, although he would steal stuff that he thinks could be used against him.

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So Trump had his truth social meltdown yesterday. Anyone know if the DOJ could have asked his lawyers if he’d voluntarily come in for an arraignment?

Like, “Sry, we have an arrest warrant. You want us to arrest him or would he prefer to come down voluntarily?”

IANAL but “based upon the information that has been provided to me” sounds like it could be an out for whoever signed that.

T minus frontal-bossed sex traffickers like Matt Gaetz appearing after indictment and claiming Dear Leader is being railroading for (finger quotes) “covering up” non-crimes, and the media swallows it whole.

“Why are people so mean?” I just want to repeat that in my best whiny voice to every one of his pussy, snowflake supporters. “Well Donald, people are very angry. Its just common sense.”

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Lol, he is not getting indicted.

“Casts serious doubt on the representation”

Yeah I think even Lawbros could have rolled with “lied.”

Nice summary of what’s going on that I found helpful below. The only question remaining is what was in the documents and why he wanted to keep them. He could not possibly be more objectively guilty.

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They asked for a special master because someone on Fox talked about it. Period.


You’re really surprised, Julia?

There were 3 classified in the drawer. I think that does not preclude their was other documents (aka government property) in there as well.

But being in his desk really negates any reasonable argument Trump himself knew nothing.

Pretty wild watching the retweet counter run up like the Griswolds electricity meter on December 24th.

Let’s see how our friends at FNC are treating this. Top of page!

Damn the torpedoes. I’ve taken a double dose of Hopium pills. He is getting indicted. Mostly because he continues to rub noses in it.


FOX News turning on Trump is a surprise.

Though his supporters are so indoctrinated in the cult of Trump that they might stop watching and switch to OAN if they haven’t already.


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Need the “He is not getting indicted” rainbow text feature.

I think your median Fox News consumer reads the headline “DOJ accuses Trump of trying to ‘obstruct’ probe …” and their brains just go HERP DERP IT’S A WITCHHUNT WHITE CONSERVATIVE MALES ARE THE MOST PERSECUTED GROUP IN AMERICA!


Got to give FN some credit for putting the picuture of the lol documents right in the story banner.

I do think it is a subtle nod to RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA GATE. All this fury over “obstruction,” that is not even a real crime…

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